b'Symptom ManagementFFaaccttoorrssAAffffeeccttiinnggYYoouurrSSlleeeeppHow Foods and Environment Play a Role.By Bhavya SuriYou are what you eat. How many timesfruits, your body releases a hormone called have we heard this saying as we continueinsulin. The insulin helps to decrease your eating foods we know our body is better offblood sugar, but it also causes other hormones, only admiring from afar? What we put insuch as cortisol, to be released. The cortisol our bodies during the day plays a significantmixed with adrenaline, which is also released role in what happens at night. When it comessimultaneously,canmakeyoufeelwide to sleeping, we need to treat it as an activityawake and cause difficulty falling asleep. that plays equal importance as the ones weTherefore, it is important to consume less perform during the day. sugar-filled foods closer to evening time.When we sleep, we let our body heal fromUsually, sugary foods go hand-in-hand the work it had to do during the day. It is whenwith carbohydrate-filled foods. Studies show the body can restore itself and allow the brainthat heavy carbohydrate-rich foods can lead to relax. But sleep does not come easily totoinsomniainsome.Consuminglarge everyone. Our diets and surroundings affectamounts of carbohydrates can delay your the quality of sleep we will be getting laterinternal clock. With this delay comes a delay that night. Eating specic foods and being inin the release of a natural hormone whose certain environments can either improve ormain function is to help you fall asleepdiminish how we sleep. melatonin.Melatoninplaysanimportant Sugar and carbs role in helping you sleep. This hormone is affected by a variety of factors such as foods Lets start with the food we consume andbut also light.how it plays a role. Eating sugar-filled foodsThe right lightscan spike your energy levels during the day, but they come with a crash feeling as yourBesidesfood,whatelsecanaffectour body tries to process it all. When you consumequality of sleep? Our environments. According sugar in foods, even the natural sugars into Dr. Terry Wahls, the creator of the Wahls msfocusmagazine.org 42'