b"Life with MSOOvveerrccoommiinnggUUnnccoonnsscciioouussBBiiaassWWhhiilleeTTrraavveelliinnggwwiitthhMMSSTThhiissiissoonneeoofftthheecchhaalllleennggeesslliivviinnggwwiitthhaanniinnvviissiibblleeiillllnneessssBy Matt Cavallo A few months ago, USA Today publishedOn most ights, I do not take advantage of an article titled, Travelers need to stop fakingthe preboard option because of the unconscious disabilities. It's hurting people who do have them.bias that exists. When I do choose to preboard, The article points out how some passengersI feel the stares from not only other passengers believe people are faking a disability in orderwaiting in line, but also from some of the ight to preboard. The article struck a particularstaff. It is all because of how I look. Im 6 feet chord with me because I often travel for work,2 inches, 235 pounds, and in okay shape for and I have been judged because I do not lookmy age. I travel in nice clothes because I like someone who has a disability. From myam usually coming from a work event or experience, the main reason people have aa speaking engagement. I do not have a problem with those who preboard with anoticeablelimporperceiveddifficulty disability is the lack of overhead space forwheeling my carry-on. To the naked eye, I their carry-on luggage. Most airlines charge tomight look like someone trying to fake a check bags, so people try to save money bydisability to get to the head of the line. stretchingthelimitsofwhatanacceptableThe truth is, I have had a broken neck that carry-on should be. Having to check a bagwas surgically repaired so it is harder for me means you willbe waiting at the baggageto lift my carry-on over my head. I may also claim after your ights, adding additionalseem to walk condently on at surfaces, but time to your trip. Also, checking your bagI have a harder time going downhill when adds the risk that your luggage might getwalking on the jetway. There are times where lost. Ive heard the saying that life is about theat the end of a long business trip, I just dont journey, not about the destination. Whoeverhave the strength to wait in line even though coined that phrase probably did not have toI look like I should be able to. This is one of commute on commercial airplanes for workthe challenges of living with an invisible like I do.illness such as MS.msfocusmagazine.org 10"