b'Unfortunately, technology products are highTThheerreessaannaappppffoorrtthhaatttargets for thieves. There are many companiesIf you have specic issues you are concerned that make travel accessories that are theft proof.about, it is almost guaranteed that an Internet Travelon is a good place to start your search.search for traveling with disabilities will yield Forexample,goodtheft-proofaccessories with steel cables that cant be sliced and havegreat results with helpful information and built-in RFID protection. A good theft-proofideas. Because MS presents with such a variety purse or backpack is a necessity. A neck strapof symptoms, the number of useful apps will or clip for your phone is a good idea. You canalso vary widely. The few resources and apps purchase a steel phone clip on Amazon. Thislisted below will get you started. prevents theft and loss. Scoot Around has a wonderful checklist for Staying energized, connected travelers with disabilities. Start your exploration Staying energized, connectedYou need a charger and the cables neededat this site. Rick Steves has great guide for to connect to the charger. If traveling outsideinternational travelers with disabilities. It is a the U.S., you may need a universal electricitymust-readforalltravelers,butespecially adapter that can be easily purchased at almostthose that are disabled. A particularly common any large retail store or online. It is alsoproblem for all travelers and especially those recommended that you buy a spare batterywith MS is nding clean, accessible bathrooms. that you can put in a purse or backpack. BuyToms Guide to Best Restroom Finder Apps is one with built-in cables. The spare batterya great place to start.needs to be charged before you use it and can beIn addition, just getting around can be charged with a cable and a standard charger.difficult, especially with a wheelchair, walker, If your phone or tablet battery runs low whilecane, or other mobility aid, and can present youre out and about, you can easily rechargevarious obstacles. It is highly recommended it on the go.that you book your trip with a company that is Keeping in touch and getting Internetdisability-friendly, if possible. They will have access while traveling is easy if youre in theguides that will be able to assist you and will U.S., but if youre traveling abroad, it requiresknow which sites are accessible and therefore, a little more technical savviness. If you haveavoid potential issues. Use the Internet to gather access to Wi-Fi, you can talk, text, and searchas much information about the sites you have just like you normally do. However, withoutchosen to visit beforehand. It is extremely Wi-Fi you need to connect to a cell tower.helpful to get a visual image if possible, that There are two basic ways to handle this issue.way you can spot potential problems.The rst, but usually more expensive way, is to purchase an international plan with theVisiting the places you have read about or company that you use to provide your Internetseen on TV is an experience that is unrivaled. such as AT&T. Secondly, you can purchase anMore and more historic places are updating international SIM card. You can buy it beforetheir facilities to accommodate travelers with you go. If youre not sure how to change yourdisabilities. Pack your suitcase and explore SIM card, a store such as Best Buy will havewith condence. Its only a disability if you let staff that can help you. it hold you back. 19 msfocusmagazine.org'