b'you communicate and your healthcare teamobtain it, and what to look out for as it relates reciprocates. to MS. Coping Techniques:Caring for Your Loved One and YourselfLiving one day at a timeNichole Goble, director of Community Pearl B. Werfel, Ph.D.Initiatives, Caregiver Action Network We all know that living with MS can beFinding the time to care for yourself when challenging. In addition, the unpredictability andcaring for a loved one can be challenging. How distress of the COVID-19 pandemic increasedcan you give all your efforts to others and still the stressful parts of life with MS. With thishave time for yourself? In this presentation, abundance of challenges, people living withNichole Goble discussed tips, tricks, and MS need effective and creative coping strategiesresources to help you prioritize your physical and exibility. Pearl B. Werfel offered methodsand mental health while juggling the required to cultivate and evaluate your natural copingcaregiving activities for others. Goble emphasized strategies. Additionally, she explored new waysthe need to ask for help and how to balance to develop valuable coping skills throughthe "You Hats" from one\'s "Caregiving Hats." acceptance and creativity. Some of her tipsThe"YouHats"included yourrelationship included "Appreciate and Prepare versus Pushwithin your friends and family, what you do and Overdo," benet nding, and psychologicalor who you are at work, and your connection to reframing. an interest or hobby. The "Caregiving Hats" Biosimilar therapies entail medication management, transportation What you need to know coordination,scheduling,errandrunning, and record-keeping. Giuseppe Randazzo, Sarah Ikenberry,Giving Back to the MS Communityand Craig BurtonMonica Proctor Wilson, Debbie Pike, With medicine constantly evolving, it canTraci Ceras, and Helen Bisdorf be challenging to stay up-to-date on the currentWhether fundraising, advocating for change, research and pharmaceutical advancements,or volunteering, there are many ways to get such as biosimilars and how they work. Withinvolved in the MS world. But how does one the help of Giuseppe Randazzo and Craigbegin taking the rst step to get more involved? Burton from the Association for Accessible Medicines,andSarahIkenberryfromtheOr how do you further your current involvement? FDA, we got the scoop on what biosimilarsOur panel of MS patients, advocates, and support are.Thetriodiscussedthemeaningofagroup leaders shared their personal stories to biosimilar, how it works in our bodies, how tohelp others nd their path in the MS world.Find these programs at youtube.com/c/MultipleSclerosisFoundation/videosThank You to our Sponsors for your support.37 msfocusmagazine.org'