b'Usually, your ship will dock at eachCruise ships do get a bit unsteady at times. destination. The ramp for disembarking willPersonally I do use a wheelchair then. range from a medium slope to somewhatI order one through a company that has a steeper. Have no fear. Crew members willchair waiting in your cabin when you arrive. usually help you down (and up later) withoutIt stays in your cabin until the end of the you asking or when you stop and look pitifulcruise. My rollator is perfect for all other times. (rarely necessary, but fun). Either way, you will have help. Best of all, they are always cheerfulSpecial Note #1: For cruisers that are not and never in my experience have made mephysically able to do some of the ports, feel like a burden, but more like a friend.there are always some programs aboard If you tender at a location where you areship. Also, you have the buffet with fewer going ashore, what does that mean? You willpeople to block your view of all the special transfer from your cruise ship to a small boat,food varieties. or tender, which will give you a ride to shore.This is also a wonderful chance to nd Always check with the cruise line to see whata place with a view, where you can relax, is allowed on tenders. Folding wheelchairs areread, and also see the activities ashore.usually accepted as well as walkers. PowerchairsSpecial Note #2: If you are in the Caribbean, and electric scooters are not able to accomplishdo watch for the flying fish, as well as this transfer, sorry. It is a safety factor for manydolphins. reasons.AAqquuiicckkssuummmmaarryyIf you use an allowed device, dont worryCruising is meant for us. If you are at all about tendering. Enjoy the ride. No, this transfermobile, think of these advantages: is not as easy as walking or rolling down aSee the new territory you have chosen. ramp, but is very doable, with help always available. Ravel without packing and unpacking each S o night. Unpack once and relax. Sommeebbaacckkggrroouunndd Meet new people. You have a chance to Now that you are totally prepared, a littlelearn about other countries and cultures personal background. My husband and I havewhen talking with fellow cruisers. I use my cruised to Alaska four times, the Caribbeanvery basic Spanish whenever possible. several times, and just enjoyed the 28-dayEnjoy the entertainment. From large stage cruise up the Amazon river in Brazil. Our 33-dayshows to small jazz programs, so much is cruise, Voyage of the Vikings, on a Hollandavailable. America ship was excellent. We arrived home just before COVID-19. Good timing. These areWhen you dock, go ashore when you care just a few of our adventures.to. There is always something to see and do Planning makes your cruise go smoothly.ashore. Assess your disabilities honestly, but moreDont forget the food. We always go to the importantly, consider your abilities. Can youbuffet for breakfast and lunch. The variety walk with a cane? A walker? Do you need ais amazing. For dinner, we go to a dining wheelchair at all times? Or just part-time?room.13 msfocusmagazine.org'