b'Life with MSWWhheerreeAArreeYYoouuTTrraavveelliinnggNNeexxtt??PPllaacceessttooccoonnssiiddeerrwwhheennppllaannnniinnggwwhheerreettoovviissiittBy Bhavya Suri For some, the thought of traveling mightare using a wheelchair. Some parks also have be anxiety-provoking. So much so, that youddifferent routes based on difficulty. Depending rather sit at home and maybe try some otheron how you feel, you can decide which level day. One of the hardest parts of traveling isof difficulty in the varied routes your body the initial planning. This should be an excitingwants to take. You can also camp at national time lled with enthusiasm rather than anxiety.parks,havepicnics,orrentanRVso you So, where do you start this planning process?have a comfortable surrounding with air Lets pick a location rst and then the remainderconditioning in case you need to take breaks. of the planning should be an easy transition. There are many options available to enjoy the C scenic views of national and even state parks. CrruuiisseessaannddppaarrkkssttooccoonnssiiderderCruises:Cruises are one of the best options.Disney theme parks:Though this option You dont have to pack and unpack throughoutmay seem far-fetched, it is surprisingly doable. yourtrip.Once youareonthecruise,forDisney prides itself on being accessible for all however many days, you dont have to settleages and people. This also means anyone with in again. This is your destination, and youa disability or needing some extra assistance can enjoy the amenities the cruise ship hasto enjoy the rides and adventures. Disney offers to offer. There is always a physician on board,a pass called the disability access service. The in case of emergencies. If you are having aDAS pass allows you to skip the long lines in physicallytoughday, youcanstayonthethe hot sun and enjoy the rides youd like to ship. If you are feeling adventurous, you canexplore. They also have electronic conveyance step off of the ship and explore until you feelvehicle rentals for those who have difficulty you need to rest again. walking through the parks and offer wheelchair National parks:One of the benets ofrentals as well.national parks is they were designed to beState parks, theme parks, national parks, accessibleforall.Manyparkshavepavedand cruises are only some of the many options pathways and accessible ramps in case youavailable for your next travel destination. If msfocusmagazine.org 6'