b'symptom called spasticity. Medication andfrom learning about MS in young people and physical therapy may help. Personally, I use athe organization can connect you with other "Bed Buddy" collar that I heat in the microwaveyoung adults in your situation.for about a minute and 50 seconds and placeDear MS Nurse, it on my neck when needed. After it has beenI have been having a bad are for about in place for about 10 minutes, I do some self- three months now but they wont give me massage then begin stretching my neck andsteroids even though I have been to the ER shoulders as the physical therapist taught methree times. I went again last weekend and and it helps a great deal. It doesn\'t take itthey told me I had a UTI and put me on away but makes it a lot easier to manage. antibiotics. I feel 110 percent better.Gary M. Dear MS Nurse, I was recently diagnosed at the ripe oldBinns:A pseudo-relapse feels very much like ageof20afterhavinganout-of-the-bluea relapse but is caused by an infection or seizure. My doctor has never diagnosed orbecoming overheated (even with a very low-treated someone as young as me, and Imgrade fever). It is not a relapse and is managed not sure if its just because its a small townby treating the underlying cause. I am grateful or if its rare to get diagnosed at this age. Atthat you feel better. In the future, when it feels this point, I feel so alone.Lily W.like a relapse, this is one thing to check on Binns: There are currently around 35,000before asking for steroids or another MRI. individuals under the age of 18 in the United States who have been diagnosed with MS. There is an organization that was started by a family who had both a dad with MS and a teen with MS to be a support to families and kids living with MS. It is called Mr. Oscar Monkey andtheirwebpageismroscarmonkey.org. MSFocushostsaseriesof webinars with members of this group, and past recordings maybefoundonourYouTubechannel. While you are a bit older, you may benet COOLING VESTS YOU WANT TO WEAR.MSF cooling program supplier855-232-723343 msfocusmagazine.org'