b'Where Are You Traveling Next? 6IPlaces to consider when planning where to visit. 8Traveling TipsNHow to be ready for your next adventure.Overcoming Unconscious Bias While Traveling with MS 10 This is one of the challenges living with an invisible illness. 12Lets CruiseTPlanning will make your cruise go more smoothly.The Challenges of Traveling Near and Far 14 with a Service Dog HPreparation and public education are essential.18Using Technology to Help You Stay Safe While TravelingTips to protect your information, and stay energized and connected.IMultiple Sclerosis and Driving 22 When is it time for a change?Getting the Space You Need 24SParking complaints and compliance. 34Tips and Mobile Apps for Fuel Delivery and Savings Find the smartphone app that best meets your needs. National MS Education and Awareness Month 36I"MS in Todays World." Teleconferences reecting on how to stay grounded and appreciate where you are now, while still being prepared for the future. 38 SSave Money and Support Our Services 42 New supporter savings program can help you save more than you give.Empowered 20Ask the MS NurseSSpotlight 30Doctors Notes 44 Upcoming Programs 39MS Focus Brain Game47Giving Back 40 UGGiivviinnggMMaaddeeEEaassyyMS Focus is embracing technology and making E giving even easier. To make a donation today: Text MSFocus to 50155.3 msfocusmagazine.org'