b'Life with MSGGeettttiinnggtthheeSSppaacceeYYoouuNNeeeeddPPaarrkkiinnggCCoommppllaaiinnttssaannddCCoommpplliiaanncceeBy Christopher Hudspeth Ifyoueverspenttimedrivingaround,an accessible taxi pull into the valet, another looking for an appropriate parking space forcar that needed access also arrived on the your accessible vehicle, it is likely you havescene, both unable to park because of over-been frustrated and disappointed. Often a spotcrowding and illegally parked vehicles.you have a right to park in might be lled byThis is not uncommon in many metropolitan illegally parked cars or objects. Hotels, groceryand tourist areas. Management and staff stores, and malls are places where you areseem to pass the buck and no one holds the likely to run into these problems. Whetherresponsibility for properly open spaces. So, there are not enough spaces or objects are inwhat is a person who needs the space able to theway,suchasgrocerycarts,thesearedo when this happens? Well, that is a tricky avoidable problems if handled properly byanswer to gure out, so I asked around to see the business. if I could nd some resolution.I regularly pass by a hotel that has badAccording to the ADAs website, Accessible parkingenforcementand worsecustomerparking spaces must have access aisles. service around Americans with DisabilitiesAccess aisles provide a designated area for Act parking compliance. For weeks, I wouldpeople who use wheelchairs or other mobility walk by and see cars double-parked in adevices to get in and out of their car or van. van-accessible space or just taking up theMobility devices allow people with disabilities area needed for a ramp. When I spoke with hotelto move about independently. They include management, I told them I work with peoplewalkers, canes, crutches, braces, manual or power that have MS, who need the van-accessiblewheelchairs, Segways, and electric scooters. spaces, and this is an unacceptable situation.Legal versus illegalAfter a little song-and-dance, I was told they would check into it and remedy the situation.While parking on private property versus When I passed by a few days later, the spacespublic property, laws and enforcement differ were still being lled illegally. Once, while I wasgreatly, a local law enforcement officer told observing the parking situation, not only didme when I interviewed him about the hotel msfocusmagazine.org 24'