b'MS Focus ActivitiesN MS tinal MS EducotilNaattiioonnaallMMSSEEdduuccaattiioonn Nain Todays Warlda o o onand Awareness Month 2022annddAAwwaarreenneessssMMoonntthh National MS Education and Awareness MonthMS in Today\'s World.MS Focus designed this years Nationalit more manageable? MS Education and Awareness Month to reectAdam Chaifetz led an the concept of "MS in Today\'s World." Our sixopen discussion for patients, loved ones, and teleconferencesreectedonhowtostaycaregivers affected by MS to learn nancial grounded and appreciate where you are nowhacks to ease the burden of affording different while still being prepared for the future. aspects of their care. Chaifetz covered many Generously sponsored by Genentech, Bristoltopics, including avenues for patient assistance, Meyers-Squibb, Sano, Biogen, EMD Serono,the generic version of popular MS drugs, the Sandoz, Viatris, and Janssen Neuroscience,cost of rehabilitation and physical therapy, these virtual webinars, accompanied by our freeand how to learn if you can afford to stay on MS Awareness booklets to our subscribers, ouryour current medications.viewers on a holistic journey that covered theUpdate: New MS Treatmentslatest in coping mechanisms, MS treatmentsBen Thrower, MD and updates, and nancial management. Dr. Ben Thrower, senior medical advisor For those who did not receive their copy ofat MS Focus, dreams of the day when MS can the MS in Today\'s World Awareness booklet,be prevented, and disability reversed. While contact us at support@msfocus.org or 888- we\'re not there yet, Dr. Thrower continues to 673-6287.see advances in the world of MS management Teleconferences and is happy to introduce them to our audience Because of safety protocols related toin his presentation. He examined new DMTs on COVID-19, our 2023 National MS Educationthe horizon, such as BTKIs, biosimilar drugs (the same efficacy and safety as name-brand and Awareness programs were live streameddrugs), and new technologies that included and later posted to our YouTube channel.Helios PoNS and Cionics Neural Sleeves.These events aimed to take you on a journeyMaking Yourself Heard of discovery that encapsulated our missionby Your Healthcare Teamto make MS more manageable now and inCherie Binns, RN, MSCN the future for our community. Here are theWhether its your neurologist, primary care programs we presented this year:physician, physical therapist, or any provider Affording Your MS Care you are seeing, you want your visits with your Adam Chaifetz, DC, DIBCN, MSCShealthcare team to be fullling and productive. People affected by MS can face financialMS Focus Patient-Healthcare Liaison Cherie challenges because of changes in income,Binns discussed how to advocate for yourself to medical expenses, and other circumstances.make the most of your medical appointments When your healthcare can seem astronomicallyso your questions and concerns can be addressed. expensive, how do you find ways to makeBinns stresses that both parties win when msfocusmagazine.org 36'