b'you ask. The worst thing they can do is say no.even though most days, it seriously did. She What did you learn from doing thisdenitely was a warrior to say the least. Having and what are your future goals?an autoimmune disease is not easy. No one I want to have my Brain on Fire fundraiserunderstands unless you have one, because it every year. I plan on having a Halloween 5k inisusuallyinvisible. Youdonthave visible October 2023. I want to do this all the time! Itphysical ailments at rst. It happens slowly has been one of the most rewarding things Iveor never comes out and always stays internal. ever done.I personally suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, and let me tell you, its a battle every day. My Lookingbackonthatday,Ismileandmom will forever be my hero. Doing this, and would like to think mom would be very proudseeing others helped, gives me such joy that of me. She never let her illness get her down,I cant even put into words.For more information on the Brain on Fire Fundraiser or upcoming events, call or text 304-688-8964 or email Staciewooten@outlook.com.41msfocusmagazine.org'