b'MS Focus ActivitiesSave Money and Support Our ServicesNew supporter savings program can help you save more than you give.With prices rising and no end in sight, its hard for people to consider donating to charities, no matter how much they may appreciateVacation timeand believe in the importance of the work we do. Times are tough and people are lookingThe Supporter Savings Program offers even to save, not give. Fortunately, our innovativegreater savings on travel. Deals include:new Supporter Savings Program allows you Hotels to do both.Air travel Heres how it works: sign up to be a recurring Car rental monthly donor of $15 a month or more and Theme park tickets you will receive access to our members-only website and app. There, you will nd savings Local attractionson a wide array of restaurants, stores, localYou can save up to 60 percent on hotel service providers, and more. rates, typically lower than all the major travel Your everyday needs sites. And while you travel, you can use the Discounts are available on everyday purchaseapp for additional discounts on dining and from places you already shop. Here are justlocal attractions.a few of the things you can save on:Preview what you can save at msfocus.Clothing, accessories, and footwearenjoymydeals.com.Restaurantsfrom fast food to ne dining Ready to give and save? Auto parts and maintenanceTo sign up for Supporter Savings, all youSalons and personal carehavetodoisvisitmsfocus.org/donatetoHome and gardenmake your qualifying donation. RecurringMovies and local attractionsdonations of $15 or more per month, or annualGym membership and wellness programsdonations of $200 or more, will automatically The savings are customized to your localbe entered into the program. You will receive area and include both national chains andan email, typically within 72 hours, with a local retailers and service providers. You cancode and instructions on how to register for even use the discounts for online purchases from many providers. By using the discountsthe members-only site or app. Then start saving, on things you already purchase 1-3 times perknowing yoursupportishelpingboththe month, you can save more than you give.Foundation and you. msfocusmagazine.org 38'