b"compliant with the American Disabilities Act.dont have to be waiting in security lines and I sometimes have muscle spasms and amyou dont have to take your shoes off. Enjoy known to kick seats, so I try and get a bulkheadwhat you can do and what you can see.seat, but it has become difficult lately. Now, ICherie Binns: If you are traveling by land, purchase a premium economy ticket and mustmap out places to take rest and restroom breaks. carry a travel cane just in case of emergencies. Guidebooks and Google can be very helpful Helen Bisdorf: I am very fortunate that mywith this. I still nd that an old-fashioned MS has not hindered my travel plans. I haveroad map and AAA Travel Guide can be very no issues, but I do recommend to always carryhelpful at letting me know what stops may your medication on you and to stay hydrated.provide more than a place to stretch my legs Emily and Andrea of Oscar the MS Monkey:and use the bathroom. If you are traveling by When ying, I make sure medication is in myair or rail, it is good to check with a travel carry-onnever put it in a checked bag. Alwaysagent for helpful hints. Pack supplies in your expect the unexpected, plan for any emergencies,carry-on. Never pack your medications or and make sure your essential daily things areinjections, CPAP, or catheters in your checked packed in a carry-on. Be sure to follow theluggage. Always carry an extra weeks supply demands of your body and make sure therewith you, particularly in this time when COVID-19 is air conditioning in the room reservation can derail even the best-planned trips with a it is not doable in July without it. I highlyperiod of feeling too poorly to continue your recommend getting TSA PreCheck, so youtrip or may require a period of isolation. What are your top traveltips for people with MS?Paula Chenot VinaccoDisney is not only the happiest place on earth, it is also the most accessible place! Stacy Hayward Paula Chenot VinaccoDisneyland has been great! Disney World wasnt so good. Kirsten Grenzhauser SantangeloI was able to go to Las Vegas last year. I suggest nding out ahead of time if your rollator or wheelchair needs to be checked in or can go to the gate with you. My rollator needed to be checked in, even though the gate agent said it could come on board. The ight attendant had it taken to the baggage hold, but I got it back right away. Things like that need to be taken into consideration. Shawn DuffyI make sure I have two days worth of meds and supplies in my carry-on, just in case of something getting lost. Lon Sharon WildeI bought a stadium chair, from a sporting goods store. It has arms on it. I take it with me everywhere. Holding my upper body upright is too tiring in seats without arms to support me. Desire' Linkens CovaleskiPack as needed (nonroutine meds)- just in case. e.g.,- nausea pill / dizzy pill / laxative / opposite of laxative. 9msfocusmagazine.org"