b"Life with MSMMuullttiipplleeSScclleerroossiissaannddDDrriivviinnggWhen is it time for a change?By BBy Lakisha Grayhavya SuriIn my job as an occupational therapist andmoving feet from side to side to reach each a certied driver rehabilitation specialist, thepedal, pushing pedals down, or lifting feet from number one concern my clients report is thatpedals. Clients may also experience decreased they want the ability to drive or continue driving.sensation, causing their foot to slip off the pedals, CDRSs complete comprehensive drivingincreased weakness or decreased ability to get evaluations with clients to determine if they arein or out of a vehicle. Many have had falls and safe driving, determine if and what equipmentcan no longer tolerate walking independently may be needed to continue driving, and providein the community. Some clients may have driving training. recently had to change their mobility device and Driving is a privilege that allows people tohave no way to bring the device with them in be independent and to come and go freely.the community. Driving also allows people to get to and fromWWhheennsshhoouullddyyoouuccoonnssiiddeerrtheir place of employment, run errands, andadaptive ooppttiioonnssffoorrddrriivviinngg??transport themselves and loved ones. Now,adaptive imagine not being able to do these things.Adaptive options are determined based Multiple sclerosis, unfortunately, can alteron individual needs. Many clients may have to clients ability to drive safely. So, how do thesetransition to using their hands for accelerating, clients, their families, and their medical teambraking, and steering because of increased know if they are safe to drive?weakness or loss of sensation in their legs and W feet. To operate a vehicle using hands, a client Whhaattaarreessoommeecchhaannggeess will need to be trained to drive with hand t o look forto look for?? controls. These controls are usually operated MS can affect vision, cognition, and physicalwithonehandcompletinggasandbrake. abilities. These can affect the client's abilityThe stronger hand completes steering with a to operate a vehicle and drive safely. Duringsteering device mounted on the steering wheel. driving evaluations with MS clients, manyMany clients are receptive to driving with report vision issues such as light sensitivity,handcontrolsbecausetheyarereassured blurriness, double vision, and vision fatigue.thattheyareabletostopthe vehicleina Some cognitive decits observed are memorytimely manner. Hand controls can also help changes, decreased reaction time, slower abilitywith energy conservation and allow them to toprocessinformation,poorattention,continue driving safely.decreased coordination, and decreased insight.Other adaptive options may include different Some physical changes are difficulty liftingtypes of vehicles or lifts that can accommodate their legs and feet. This can cause difficultya client's mobility device such as a power msfocusmagazine.org 22"