b'Life with MSLLeettssCCrruuiisseePPllaannnniinnggwwiillllmmaakkeeyyoouurrccrruuiisseeggoommoorreessmmooootthhllyyBy Betty GibsonMultiple sclerosis isnt fun, right? But cruisingShore excursions may offer a bit of a is, and you can do more than you realize whenchallenge, but again there are wonderful, participating in this great activity. And, if youstrong young crew persons to help you get off have never cruised, now is the perfect timeand on the ship. Enjoy their services. Also to try it. Why? There are specials that willinteract with them. These crew members live save you money.very challenging lives aboard ship, away from Do you use an assistive device such as atheir families for months at a time. They are rollator, wheelchair, or scooter? Planning makesso ready to share personal goals with you. that easy. First try to book an accessible cabin.Some have families at home, and send most of They book fast. Advantage? They offer extratheir pay to them. Some are saving for college.space for your comfort, and bathrooms withAlways talk to the persons at the excursion grab bars. Not possible? A regular cabin maydesk about what trips match your interests work well depending on the size of your device,and abilities. They are usually very cognizant but it is a bit awkward. of each excursions content and physical All right, you have chosen your cruise. Yourequirements such as steps. With a railing, I have selected your cabin at the location youmanage fairly well. Without? Not a chance. want, on the deck you think will be right forBe honest about your limitations and they you. Not too far from an elevator is a goodwill help you nd something you can enjoy choice, and at the food end of the ship. Thisdoing in port. is usually aft, the far back of the ship. SSoommeegguuiiddeelliinneessffoorrccrruuiissiinnggNthe fun times Choose a destination you really want to Nooww the fun timesThe crew will help you in every way possible.visit. You are probably one of a pair, traveling There is always someone ready to assist youwith a husband, wife, family member, or friend. at the breakfast and lunch buffets if you careSome cruise lines assign a travel consultant to use them. We always do. Otherwise thoseto you, who, by phone and email, will guide you mealsareavailableinthediningrooms.through everything from booking your cruise Meals can be delivered to your cabin, but ifto printing your luggage tags. Matt, our cruise at all possible, go out and enjoy the ship andconsultant, even strongly suggested (chose) meet other cruisers. our cabin on our first cruise with Holland America. It was perfect. Our second Holland There are activities listed on your shipboardAmerica cruise, we registered late. He watched news delivered to your cabin each day. Do asfor a handicap cabin to become available. many things as you care to, then add one more.The day before that 28-day cruise sailed, Meet people! he accomplished the miracle. msfocusmagazine.org 12'