b'Life with MSHow to be ready for your next adventure.By Bhavya Suri Nowthatairlinesarefullyfunctioningmy travel. Having heat intolerance means I again and countries have allowed traveling toneed to nd ways to cool my mom down and resume, it is time to pack your bags and pickthe vest helps. I always like having something the next location you want to visit. At rst, theto drink to keep her hydrated as well. sound of traveling on an airline may seemDan and Jen: Dan has relapsing MS and I daunting because a worldwide pandemic ishave progressive MS. Dan can still walk, and still out in the air, but with these tips you willI am in the wheelchair now. We make a great be more prepared. team, and I couldnt have done anything without Living with MS means having to be extraDan being my caregiver. Now, this may not cautious throughout your travel plans. Whetherbe for everyone but, before we travel, we eat this is knowing what to pack, picking a destinationmore salty foods so we can retain water so that is better suited for you, packing specicthat we dont have to go to the bathroom as types of clothing, or just having a plan in placeoftensince stopping for bathroom breaks to help you navigate the airport security linescan be inconvenient. If we are taking a road better. Here are some recommendations andtrip, well get a pizza, eat some that night, and sharedexperiencesfrompeoplecurrentlytake the leftovers for lunch to our trip. We try living with MS but also nding ways to fulllto break up the drive. Our most recent trip their desire for traveling.was to Washington, D.C, and this was the rst Stacie: My mom had MS and I always suggestight weve taken since the pandemic. I cant planning your trip in advance and alwaysusetheairplanebathroombecauseitis have a backup plan. Things can change dailysmall, so I recommend wearing Depends just with your body and mood. I had to plan extrain case of urinary incontinence.time during the trips for her, like bathroomTraci Ceras: I switched to an oral DMT, so stops every now and then. Having urinaryI always have to make sure I have my pill box incontinencemeansalwayshavingtobewith me at all times. I always make sure I book ready for anything, so I like to pack a changea wheelchair for the airline, both departing of clothes just in case. I also want to thank theand arriving. When I travel on cruise ships, I cooling vest program for helping me duringmake sure I have a room booked that is msfocusmagazine.org 8'