b"you feel you want to travel to a specic stateway to the more densely populated ones such for some sightseeing instead, there are someas New York or Seattle.factors to take into consideration.For some, mobility is the largest roadblock T when considering where to travel. If this is Trraavveelliinnggbbaasseeddon your symptoms your case, perhaps traveling somewhere that on your symptomsIf one of your most frequent symptoms ishas open roads and less population could heat intolerance, be mindful of the seasonhelp you in moving within the city. You can you are traveling in. Canadas Banff Nationalstart small with road trips in your local state. Park is a place to consider if you like coolerIf you live in Florida, perhaps drive down to the weather. The park offers a variety of sightsFlorida Keys and enjoy the beach (including and has accessible lodging nearby. If yourthe beach wheelchairs available in state parks) symptomexperienceismorecommonlyand local restaurants.fatigue, perhaps you want to consider majorEvery state has special gems awaiting to cities so you can see pieces of it and havebe explored. Traveling can seem scary at rst, time to rest throughout the day. You can startbut remember, its all about planning. So plan with smaller major cities such as downtownyour next trip now and get ready to start your Houston or Atlanta, and slowly make yourventure. What are your top traveltips for people with MS? Patty Love BradyI travel with a positive mind. Research the places youre going, nd out their do's and don'ts. Know ahead of time what's going to be your road blocks before you get there. Wheelchairs, walkers, O2, blind, etc. Be ready. You'd be surprised at what places will do to accommodate you and your disability. I've even come across discounts doing this. Don't let your disability be a humility for your Safe travelling. Enjoy. Mary Ellen SmolinskiThe two things you need the mosttime and planning. No matter how I'm traveling, I make sure I have every piece of information I need, every document, all of my meds, and even a couple of changes of underwear in my carry-with-me bag. And then I make sure to have plenty of time to arrive and handle the problems that creep up without stress. Make sure you have big, bright, identifying tags on every piece of luggage and equipment you bring. If you use a motorized device, have a sheet ready with all of its informationthe dimensions, both open and folded, the weight, and the kind of batteries required. Iredell DavisWear comfortable shoes. By all means, no tight clothes. Make sure to sit in roomy seat. Ask if they accommodate for people with disabilities, but you must ask ahead of time. Take a wheelchair to and from your transport (plane or train), and carry tip money - they appreciate it. j.street619When you're at the airport, ask for help, it's worth it, especially when on a layover. Get the help.7 msfocusmagazine.org"