b'or immunogenicity assessments. The studygroups compared with the sham group. The was published in the journal JAMA Neurology.a-tDCS combined cognitive training group Thrower -As MS disease-modifying therapiesshowed immediate improvement but the become older, many have patents that aredifference at the time of follow-up was not expiring. Some may become available in asignificant at 12 weeks. The findings were generic or biosimilar form. The term biosimilarpublished in the journal Multiple sclerosis describes a copy of a name brand, complexand related disorders. biologic molecule. In the MS world, the mostThrower - Transcranial direct current stimulation common biologics are the monoclonal antibodiesinvolves the use of a portable, battery-operated such as Tysabri, Ocrevus, Kesimpta, and Briumvi.device with adhesive electrodes that deliver a Tysabri is going off-patent and there will be atiny electric current to the scalp. If the current is biosimilar form available soon. positive, it is termed anodal. Negative currents This study looked at the effects on MRI of theare called cathodal. It should be noted that name brand version of Tysabri (natalizumab),these devices are not FDA-approved but are called the reference version, compared to theavailable for commercial sale. They are considered biosimilar version. In this study, there were noinvestigational. differences in the ability of the reference versionCognitive dysfunction is common in MS versus the biosimilar version to prevent theand is a leading cause of vocational disability. formation of new MRI lesions. This study looked at people with MS gettingOne important safety consideration in thetreatment with a-tCDS, cognitive rehabilitation use of natalizumab is appropriate monitoringwith a-tCDS, cognitive training without a-tCDS, of the JCV antibody index. This monitoringand a sham therapy. The conclusion of the willneedtocontinueregardlessofwhichresearchers was the transcranial stimulation form of natalizumab a person is on. therapy did improve cognition. It will be Study nds transcranial stimulationfascinating to see if this benet is replicated improves cognitionin larger trials as we clearly need more therapy This study from researchers in Iran set outoptions to improve cognition in MS.to determine whether multisession anodalTibial nerve stimulation transcranial direct current stimulation withmay help control bladder or without cognitive training affects cognitiveFaculty at Cairo University conducted performance in MS. Eighty patients, with ana prospective, single-blinded randomized average age of 34 and 89 percent female,controlled study to demonstrate the therapeutic participated in the study at a single MS Centerefficacy for posterior tibial nerve stimulation in and were diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS.neurogenic overactive bladder in people with Participants received either a-tDCS, cognitiveMS. The study included 40 male participants training by RehaCom cognitive trainingwith relapsing-remitting MS who averaged 31 software, a-tDCS plus cognitive training withyears of age. Participants were assigned to the RehaCom software, or sham treatment foreither the control group treated by selected 10 consecutive daily sessions. Cognitive functiontherapeutic exercises program for strengthening (including episodic memory, attention, andpelvic oor muscles, or an intervention group inhibitory control, working memory, andreceiving an additional posterior tibial nerve visuospatial skill) was measured at baseline,electrical stimulation. Each session ranged week 4, and week 12 after the intervention.from 45 to 50 minutes, three days weekly for Cognitive functions improved in all interventiona month. Improvements were measured by 45 msfocusmagazine.org'