b'dog etiquette and disability awareness, theyburn. Then I think about the overwhelming would go home and share the informationsights, sounds, and smells. with their parents. And it worked! We developedI also think about how exhausting it would a program with the slogan: be to traverse the amusement park for the S service dog. In my case, I know that would not SeerrvviicceeDDooggssRRoocckk!!RReemmeemmbbeerr:: Do not pet service dogs!be a positive environment for Jaeger. Would Do not talk to service dogs!he handle the environment? Stay quiet, and Do ask the owner polite questions!work for me? Absolutely. But it would not be a safe place for him. He would get overstimulated, We purchased pencils with our slogan andexhausted, and touched by the community. distributed them to people who approached usIt would be best to leave Jaeger at home with in the community. We distributed the pencilsa caregiver in a situation like that. I think of to the children in our elementary schools. Ait as if Im on vacation with my family, and few years into the program, we earned aJae is on a couch vacation. What I cannot do grant to purchase T-shirts with our slogan. Weis leave him in the hotel room by himself. still see children in our community wearingThat wouldnt be kind to him. our shirts.Jaeger is allowed entry into hotels because I also learned to be far more rm with theof me, a person with a disability, who he is community, too. While Jae and I are groceryassisting. A hotel designated as pet-free must shopping or on campus working, we are busy.allow a service dog to accompany their It is not our role to stop and speak with everyhandler; no extra or pet fees can be charged. person we see; we have work to do. Thus, IThe handler must bring the service dogs have learned I can be rm, with a smile, andmaterials for comfort, including food, water, say phrases such as, Im sorry. We cant talkand a dog bed. They are not allowed to, nor now. We are still commonly approached byshould they, sleep in the hotel beds. And as I people in the community about Jaeger, butmentioned above, the service dog should not our educational program helped teach peoplebe left in the hotel room unattended.about service dog etiquette.During one of our travels, a hotel insisted RReeggiissttrraattiioonnnnoottrreeqquuiirreedd upon seeing a service dog certicate. The A second area that ICAN trained us onfront desk attendant let me know that if Jaeger was travel. One thing I learned from trainingwere a real service dog, he would have a service so many years ago that has stuck with me is,dog certicate from the Internet. The attendant Just because you have a service dog doesntwas wrong and perpetuated a commonly stated mean you need to take them everywhere.falsehood about service dogs. Many people For example, the images of service dogs atwant to have their pets with them at all times, Disneyland meeting a character in the bigso they have fallen for websites that create a costumes? All I see are the service dogs pawsservice dog certication. Then, they purchase on the black paved walkways, potentiallya harness with a patch that says service dog burning because of the heat. Did you know thatand take their little yipper-snappers everywhere at 77 degrees, pavement can be 125 degrees?they go. Fake service dogs, such as this, cause It can take mere seconds for paws to blister ora lot of harm for legitimate service dog teams 15 msfocusmagazine.org'