b'So how do you overcome unconscious biaswhat it offers travelers with special needs. while traveling? Here are some tips that canCommunicate your needs. If youve done help.your pretravel prep right, you know what Know your rights. Federal law protects theyoure entitled to, and youll probably know right of any traveler who identies themselvesthatbetterthanthepeopledealingwith as disabled. Federal law 14 CFR Part 382you. Thats why its important to be vocal Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilityabout what you need. In fact, it can be good in Air Travel states that airline carriers mustto be more open about your condition than offerpreboardingtopassengers withausual while traveling. disability who self-identify at the gate as needing additional time or assistance toShrug it off. You cannot control others stares board, stow accessibility equipment, or beor judgement. Try to remember that at the seated.end of the ight, you will all go your separate Plan in advance. Your pretrip plans shouldways. You will never see that person again, include booking special assistance at theso dont concern yourself with what they airport. Call your airline directly to nd outthink of you.SSuunnoowweerrssBBrriinnggTTrraavveellAAssssiissttaanncceefof orrHHiiddddeennDDiissaabbiilliittiieessIn 80 airports across the United States and another 100 airports worldwide, a simple pin or lanyard can improve your travel experience. How?The Hidden Disabilities Sunower Program encourages travelers who may need extra help and their caregivers to wear a sunower-patterned accessory. This visual cue discreetly alerts airport staff that you may need extra time or additional support.The program is free, and participating airports will provide lanyards or other accessories free of charge to travelers who self-identify as having a hidden disability or being a caregiver.When travel planning, visit hiddendisabilitiesstore.com/us/nd-the-sunower to locate airports and businesses near your home and destination that support the program. Contact your local participating airport in advance of your travel to request a lanyard or other accessory.Not just airportsThe sunowers are spreading. Although it started with air travel, the program is now at over 450 universities, schools, and colleges, as well as other sites. You can help spread the Sunower Program. Go to hiddendisabilitiesstore.com and click Get Involved.11 msfocusmagazine.org'