b'parking situation. (The officer asked not to beADA to accessible and suitable parking. Remind named in this article.) A person needing thethe business they can and should have an space or hotel management would need toimproperly parked car towed at the owners call the police. Even if we see there is a violation,expense. since the property is private, unfortunately,Resolutionsthere is nothing we can do unless the violation is reported to us. He continued, Sadly, thereIn many scenarios, the outcome will be is not much a person walking by that sees apositive, simple, and taken care of immediately. violation can do to prevent it from occurring,In other situations, you may have to contact maybe report it to ADA or state enforcement. police or local authorities to investigate. If the From a legal standpoint, it does not appearproperty has a security office or valet, check there is a simple answer. On privately ownedin with them too. In extreme and repeated property, which most parking spaces are in,cases, consider contacting state authorities or enforcement is left up to the individual business.groups that support the ADA. And use your Public propertysuch as city streets, parks,social media muscle by leaving reviews on and municipal buildingsis another matter.sites such as Yelp, Instagram, or Facebook to Parking in public areas is monitored andgarner attention to the matter. Take photos enforced by local or state police. Heavy nesand the time of day, explain yourself clearly can occur, as well as towing the vehicle off theand do your best to share your experience in premises. ADA compliance and enforcementa well thought out manner. Leaving rants and posts with bad language will likely have the are two separate issues, the officer said.opposite effect you desire.Think of compliance and the appropriateBe kind in your dealing with people who number of spaces and size. Enforcement hasmay not have the same understanding as you. more to do with actively monitoring theseIn many cases, people are just doing what spaces, which on private property, rarelythey are told and dont know any better. Just occurs unless it is a hospital or doctors office. do your best to communicate your needs and Lets say you are on vacation and a parkingthose of others for these parking spots to be situationarises.Stateyourconcernswithavailable. If there is an accessible van or car upper management or owners; they mightin the spot you need, other accommodations not know what is occurring. If necessary, callmay be necessary.local law enforcement on the nonemergencyFinally, before you head out, consider calling number to remedy the situation if you cannotahead and ask about parking. Look at social persuade the owner or manager to remedymedia reviews and nd out if there are any the situation. complaints. Addressing your needs ahead of For places you frequent, it can be helpfultime might save you time and frustration in to create a relationship with the owner orthe future. The AXS Map app is a good resource management. Let them know your specicto help you gure places that are ADA friendly needs and what is preventing you from properlyand compliant, as well as places that are not. accessing the space you need. Hopefully, theyMy hope is that you enjoy safe and smooth will understand and comply accordingly. Iftravel adventures, whether in your hometown not, let them know you have a right under theor an exotic destination that is on your bucket list.25 msfocusmagazine.org'