b'Life with MSUUssiinnggTTeecchhnnoollooggyyttooHHeellppyyoouuSSttaayySSaaffeeWWhhiilleeTTrraavveelliinnggTips to protect your information, and stay energized and connected. By Joanne FortunatoTraveling is exciting, but there are certaingive them a copy of this information. In stressors linked to traveling even for healthyaddition to a paper copy that you keep in a people. If you have any health issues, it can addhotel or wherever you are staying, you and a level of complexity that requires a lot of extrayour companion should store a digital copy forethought and planning. Technology canon your phone or tablet. The easiest way to help ease this stress so you can spend morestore it is the note app. However, almost all time enjoying your trip and less time worryingcurrent technology has a built-in health app about your health and safety. Whether youreyou can use to store this data. Just put the traveling in the United States or abroad therehealth app on your home screen or in the are helpful ways you can minimize your anxietytask bar with your other important apps. and manage your basic travel needs. UnlessYou may have heard about RFID (radio otherwise noted the ideas presented in thisfrequency ID) chips. They are on everything article are for general travel and any modicationfrom credit cards to passports. This means a needed for travel outside the United States willdevice that reads frequency information can be noted.be used by someone with nefarious intentions P just passing nearby. The chip can be buried Prrootteeccttiinnggyyoouurriinnffooin your purse or backpack but it is still emitting It is really important for pertinent informationa frequency that can be intercepted. Purchase and documentation to be easily accessible.an RFID sleeve protector for each item that Thisshouldincludemedicalinformation,has a chip. They are simple sleeves that block emergency contacts, and identication suchthe frequency from being emitted until it is as a passport or any other picture ID. If you removed to be used. They can be purchased travel overseas with a companion, you shouldeasily from most stores or online. msfocusmagazine.org 18'