b"wheelchair or scooter. Clients may also need equipment to help them get in and out of the driver's area. Recommendations may also be given to limit when, where, and how far clients drive. CDRSs may also recommend that clientsPOLAR OFFERS SOLUTIONS follow up with other medical professionalsFOR COOLING EVERY BODY! such as an occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech therapist, vision specialist,WE CAN and their medical doctor to help address theirOFFER decits. When should clientsTHE MOST When should clients stop driving? EFFECTIVE stop driving?Some examples of when clients shouldSOLUTION stop driving are if they can no longer operateFOR YOUR gas, brake, and steering with or withoutINDIVIDUAL equipment, they are having accidents, gettingNEEDS. lost in familiar areas, or they are unable to be alone in the community. Other examplesWe have are if vision deficits get worse, weaknesseverything increases, they cannot get in or out of theyou need from vehicle, or manage their mobility device withcooling vests to or without equipment. If they display pooraccessories to circulang cold coordination, reaction time, decision-making,water therapy attention, or they are no longer able to followsystems. the rules of the road then they should stop driving. MS can be a progressive disease. Decits can increase and driving, unfortunately,may no longer be safe at all. Having to give up the privilege to drive is a difficult fact to accept. It is not taken lightly by CDRSs when this isOther manufacturers may claim their single, determined. These conversations can beunpatented cooling technology is the best difficult and hard to accept by clients andfor all environments and situaons, buttheir families. However, the most importantPolar is the only manufacturer worldwide thing is to keep clients and others on the roadoering every major type of personal body safe. If clients, their medical team, or familycooling technology! notice changes in their function, cognition,See our complete product line atvision, or in their ability to operate the vehicle,polarproducts.com|800.763.8423then an evaluation with a CDRS should be scheduled. A search for a CDRS in your areaPROUD SUPPLIER FOR THEcan be completed at ADED.net.MSF COOLING PROGRAM23 msfocusmagazine.org"