b'and reduce hypertension, back and knee injuries, vertigo, arthritis, and the after-effects of strokes. Jef was phenomenal in ensuring all training was safe so everyone could follow us regardless of their condition. A walk down the aisle Tony credits their overnight success to I picked up Wing Chung, which Bruce LeeTai Chis intentional movement, and cognitive learned, and safely tailored karate around myand physical advantages that await the willing condition. Still, I wanted the support group topractitioner. Tai Chi does wonders for the experience new things with me; I had neverbody, but it begins with the mind, he said. practiced Tai Chi before, and, out of curiosity,We call it a moving meditation, as it requires I contacted and invited ve schools to come andfocus; slowing things down lets you x your demonstrate for us; only one of them answered,concentration on the practice itself. I liken the and I am eternally grateful because that mansoverall motions to being in water or space; yes changed the trajectory of my life. your stresses take a backseat the more attentive you are and learn. That is why this art is so Becoming a team powerful. Its principles span centuries, as hasThe man, who would become Tonys bestits restorative godsends.friend, was Jef Morris, master trainer of Sun-styleOne of Tonys most memorable experiences Tai Chi. I reached a new level of understandinginvolved a 24-year-old woman with MS who watching Jef lead the group. As he moved, Iwanted nothing more than to walk down the noticed that I, too, could follow and also reapaisle to her groom on their wedding day. This the health benets to combat my MS. Jefsyoung lady used a wheelchair to get around, knowledge of the arts and meditation helpedandshesoughthelpfromJefandmein me nd a way to go at a slower pace. The martialhopes that by learning Tai Chi, she would arts are very rigid and fast, but learning Tai Chiwalk again, he said.enabled me and others in the group to controlLittle by little, we used what we knew, our bodies, balance, and breaths. That, alonghelping her out of the chair, utilizing the with diet adjustments, makes such an impactbalance bar, and mindfulness to encourage her on overall wellness.to connect her feet to the oor. Sometimes, Eager to persist in aiding the MS community,she was afraid, but eventually, that fear became Jef and Tony became a team, forming chairfaith. Three months later, she told us, Im Tai Chi classes that catapulted beyond theirgoing to walk now. We instructed her to place expectations. Everything took off for us inheel to toe on the oor, feel it beneath her, and Miami. We went on to work for the city andwalk. With these body-mind concepts, she county, between churches, libraries, rehabmarried the man of her dreams and walked facilities, senior programs, underprivilegedarm-in-arm down the aisle with her dad that day.neighborhoods, you name it, and we wereEvery time I tell that story, I almost cry. Jef there, Tony said.and I gave everything, and so did the young Tony and Jefs reach began appealingwoman. All of our energy, desire, and mind-to individuals with a whole gamut of otherfulness was the reason it worked. We have done illnesses, such as Parkinsons, osteoporosis, andsimilar things with stroke victims too. I fell in bromyalgia. We also helped people managelove with the art because I have seen time and 31msfocusmagazine.org'