b'Ben Thrower is the medical director of the Andrew C. Carlos MS Institute at Shepherd Center. He previously served as the medical director of the Holy Family Multiple Sclerosis Institute in Spokane, Wash. In Spokane, he was the chair of the Inland Northwest Chapter of the NMSS. In 2000, he was awarded the Norm Cohn Hope Chest Award by the National MS Society, recognizing his work with the MS community. In 2005, he was the first physician inductee into the Georgia Chapter of the National MS Society Volunteer Hall of Fame. Dr. Thrower has served the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation for many years as Senior Medical Advisor.Megan Weigel is an advanced registered nurse practitioner specializing in the care of MS patients. She received her doctor of nursing practice degree from the University of Florida in Gainesville, Fla., where her research focus was preventive healthcare in MS patients. She is an active speaker in the region, both to patients and healthcare providers, on topics related to the care of people living with MS. Your name: MS Focus accepts submissions from voluntary contributors who have MS or work with the MS community in a professional capacity. Send inquires or submissions to: editor@msfocus.org.Read MS Focus Magazine - Digitally! Read MS Focus Magazine - Digitally! If you love our magazine but want to help us conserve resourcesor just prefer toreadonyourdevicenow youcan.MSFocusMagazineisofferingdigital subscriptions. The same great magazine you know and love can be sent right to your inbox to read online or on your device.If you would like to transition your subscription to digital, visit: msfocus.us/digital today.5 msfocusmagazine.org'