b'Life with MSsuch as Jaeger and me. The dogs bark, lunge,RRuulleessffoorrsseerrvviicceeaanniimmaallsscause disruptions, urinate and defecate in theOver the years, ying with a service animal stores, and when managers approach peoplehas been in the news, and fake service animals they swear their dogs are legitimate servicehave caused problems for genuine service dog dogs. teams. Per the U.S. Department of Transportations Per the ADA, there is no mandatory registrationAir Carrier Access Act, "A service animal means of service animals. ICAN utilizes a digital I.D.a dog, regardless of breed or type, that is card for Jaeger and me. This card is somethingindividually trained to do work or perform we carry that veries we are a working team.tasks for the benet of a qualied individual We have successfully completed training andwith a disability, including a physical, sensory, passed the Annual Public Access test requiredpsychiatric,intellectual,orothermental by Assistance Dogs International and ICAN,disability. Animal species other than dogs, Inc. It is not a certication nor registration;emotional support animals, comfort animals, remember, there is no such thing. companionship animals, and service animals F in training are not service animals."FoouurroonntthheeoooorrBy law, Jaeger is a trained service animalOn Dec. 10, 2020, the Department of and is allowed everywhere I go except for twoTransportation issued a nal statement about places: 1) the operating room (which is sterile)the ACAAs regulation on service animals. and 2) the restaurants kitchen, where food isHandlers must meet requirements before a prepared. The food preparation area must beservice dog can be allowed on a plane. First, kept clean, and service animals are not allowed inthe handler must complete a form designed those areas. When he is with me in a restaurant,by the DOT that outlines training and good appropriate service dog etiquette means he isbehavior of the dog and certies its health. If tucked under the table, as small as possible,the ight is longer than eight hours, the handler and out of sight. We refer to a rule, Four on themust document that the dog will not relieve Floor, when training people about serviceitself on the plane. Or that the animal can relieve itself in a sanitary way. Finally, submission dogs. That means four paws should be on theof these forms may be required up to 48 hours oor; the animal should not be in a chair next tobefore travel. Per the Americans with Disabilities the handler, not on the table (we have observedAct, in 2010, service animals were updated this before!), nor in a shopping cart. A dog on ato include miniature horses. However, for the dining table, in a dining chair, or a shoppingACAA, only service dogs are allowed on planes. cart is unclean and could pose a danger.If you are interested in learning more about Additionally,evenforaserviceanimalservice dogs, or wish to try and nd one for trained for diabetic alerts, being on the ooryourself, I recommend Assistance Dogs is the best location for them. The scent theInternational. I lean on ADI when searching dogs are trained for, indicating low blood sugar,for information about service dogs. ADI is is emitted through the mouth and pores of athe global authority on assistance dogs. I person. This scent then falls to the ground,recommendutilizingtheir website,assistance-allowing them to smell and alert their handlerdogsinternational.org, if you are interested in that blood sugar is low. searching for a service dog program. msfocusmagazine.org 16'