b"MS Focus ActivitiesGGiivviinnggBBaacckk::BBrraaiinnoonnFFiirreeEvent included barbecue, auction, and raffle.Stacie Wooten held her Brain on Fire fundraiser on March 25, at Chapmanville Middle School in Chapmanville, W.V. The outing included a barbeque lunch, yard sale, auction, and a 50/50 raffle. The event raised $664 for MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. Because Wooten could choose any one ofsomething that only beneted MS Focus. So, the free programs and services to donate thethats when the auction and yard sale came proceeds to, she decided the funds should goabout. I went around to different people and to the MS Focus Cooling Program. Her mother,businesses asking for help or donations, and Anita Kelly Ritter, lived with MS for 18 yearsat rst got discouraged, because a lot of people and was heat intolerant, like most people withsaid no. MS. I'm happy that the money I raised willSo, I waited about a month, and tried again. greatlybenetthosethathavethesameSome people still said no, but I had much problem as her.more saying yes then. I found out too, that some What inspired you to help people with MS? people say that they will, but, in the end, they Mymom.She wasdiagnosedin2005.do not donate. That became disheartening. The doctor that diagnosed her said she wouldBut I did not give up. I was still asking people be in a wheelchair within three months. Shethe day before the fundraiser. retired in 2015 from Logan Regional MedicalWhat was the most challenging part Center and she was completely mobile up untilof this project?April 2022. She never complained up until the end. She was very independent, and neverStepping out of my comfort zone and asking wanted anyone to help her. She always thoughtpeople to donate. I got really discouraged when herself as a burden when we reassured herpeople would say no, or this is my slow time, each and every day she denitely was not.I really cant right now. Especially, when I see My mom was such a happy person and I willthem donating to other events happening locally. always cherish the time I had with her, especiallyWhat advice would you give to others the last 10 months of her life.who are trying to give back? How did your plan to give back work? Be patient. If your rst time doesnt go the It worked wonderfully. My plan rst was toway you want, you can always try again. Keep do a vendor event, but I wanted to try to doasking and always try. You never know until msfocusmagazine.org 40"