b"cystotomy with closure of the urethra to drainurine from the bladder is also a surgicaloption to explore. Augmentation cystoplastyis a procedure designed to increase bladdercapacity in patients with small bladder capacitysecondary to MS. Permanent urinary diversionis a surgical procedure (called ileal loop) tocontrolurinaryincontinenceandprotectrenal function that may be considered for lastDear MS Focus, stages of urinary issues in patients with endThank you for a comprehensive edition stage bladder disease secondary to MS.regarding bowel and bladder function.These options for more advanced casesI was surprised, however, when I didn't are important to know about and to discusssee mention of suprapubic catheterization as with your doctor. an option for people experiencing bladder Dave, were so glad you found a solutiondiculties. As someone with MS for 25 years that improved your quality of life.(no need to send a card!), bladder dysfunctionwas always a problem.Hello,After a series of urinary tract infections My name is Nora Solomonthat put me in the hospital, needing follow-up Although it was a great article, I couldn'tphysical rehabilitation, I discussed options help but chuckle when I read Advice from anwith my urologist. We decided that a suprapubic Aging MSer in your Fall 2020 issue. Fortycatheterization procedure was the best option. three years old? Oh, how I wish I could goSince I had this done, I can sleep through the there again!night, and drink as much uid as I need. Ithas improved my quality of life immensely. Yes, I am now 69 years old and still workingthe cath bag needs to be managed: emptying, hard to keep this MonSter under control. Icleaning, etc. But I do not regret the decision. had optic neuritis in 1989 but I was ociallyDave Fucio diagnosed in 1995. Many unexplainable andweird things happened to me in the years toDear Dave, come. I was devastated but determined thatThank you for sharing your experience and MS was not going to run my life.this important treatment option for people At the age of 49 I decided to take martialwith more severe cases of bladder dysfunction. arts and got my black belt in seven years. IAs mentioned in the article Help for Urinary took Tai Chi, yoga, Zumba (which I enjoyedIncontinence by Sardar Ali Khan and Yiji very much). I went hang gliding, parasailing,Suh from Vol 18, Issue 4 of this magazine: and zip lining. The craziest thing that I did wasSeveral surgical options also exist. A urethral ve years ago. I ran for a gure competition,sling can be surgically implanted to assist with and yes, I came in second place at the ripe[intermittentcatheterization].Suprapubic age of 64! Who knew?msfocusmagazine.org 10"