b'Health & WellnessLLoowwCCoossttaannddOOnnlliinneeOOppttiioonnssffoorrCCAAMMTThheerraappiieessBy Christopher HudspethSince March of 2020, in one way or another, benefit of Zoom is the instructor can beit has become necessary to modify our lives. anywhere in the world. This allows for theWe have changed how we interact with our students to choose instructors that are a greatloved ones, or coworkers, our communities, t for their style, such as adaptive and chairand our health team. Often this has led to life yoga practice. becoming unbalanced. Many of us shifted The nonprot oMS Yoga is oering freethe focus away from self-care and moved into streaming classes for people with MS severalsurvival mode. Now, with a new year upon times a week. Visit omsyoga.org and click onusanda vaccineforCOVID-19becoming Livestream for instructions on how to join. Ifavailable, its time to start looking at new, the times dont work for you, websites such ascreative and low-cost ways to get back to self-care.MSWorkouts.com, SunLightChairYoga.com,Practicing yoga without a group, meditation and MindBodySolutions.com oer free introin a not so quiet space, and using Zoom for classes that have been recorded. YouTube isclasses,hasbecomethenewnormal. The also a great resource for free, prerecordedtechnology does not always work. Thankfully, classes. If you search for adaptive yoga,,we have learned to come together in inventive yoga in chairs, or yoga for MS a number ofways and to keep going. Online or Zoom videos will pop up. Although not with a group,exercise classes, meditation via mobile app, these classes can be of benet for rst-timeas well as old-fashioned books have made a students or those returning to yoga. There arecomeback. Whatever your preference to learn, plenty of pay-as-you-go websites, but beforeif you are willing, there is a way.committing to the service, try the free versionYOGA rst. Classes that used to only be in-person areSince many yoga and meditation studios now available online. The average range forare not yet allowing for students, often teachers an online class is $10, however many yogawillhavegroupZoomsessionsfortheir studioswilloerfreeclassesforadaptivestudents. Once in-person classes resume, a yoga. Another fun and creative way to practicegood number of yoga studios will most likely is using yoga cards. These cards are $24.95continue to oer live online sessions. One andavailableatYogaMovesMS.com.Theymsfocusmagazine.org 46'