b'MS Focus ActivitiesMS FocusedShining a Spotlight on Black HistoryFebruary is Black History Month. Studies show Black people with MS are usually diagnosedlater, but experience more relapses and disability from their MS than other ethnic groups. Inaddition, visual problems occur more often in Blacks than other groups and they also suerfrom more cognitive symptoms of MS than other groups. During Black History Month MSFocus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation provided education and awareness about the eectsof MS in the Black Community, including the following Zoom conferences: Wednesday - 2/3/2021 - 3:30:00 PM, Tirisham Gyang, MDPeople of Color with MS, In Research, msfocus.us/Gyang0221Wednesday - 2/10/2021 7:00:00 PM, Mitzi Williams, MDDisparities in Healthcare for People of Color, msfocus.us/Williams0221Thursday - 2/18/2021 - 7:30:00 PM, Annette Okai, MDAddressing Bias in Healthcare, msfocus.us/Okai0221In addition, MS Focus will release a two-part video titled I am Black History. The video willbe released during a Facebook Watch Party and will be available on our YouTube channel inFebruary. Check the calendar on msfocus.org for more information and sign up for MS Focus Newsand Announcements to get more event information.Preorder your NMSEAM 2021 kitsAre You Okay? Your feelings matter is the theme for the upcoming National MultipleSclerosis Education and Awareness Month (NMSEAM) in March 2021. This years NMSEAMtheme raises awareness of the eects of MS on mental health, and educates about maintainingmental health and treating mental illness.This years educational materials for persons with MS will be sent to all subscribers to MSFocus Magazine as a special edition. Additional copies, as well as materials you can share withothers in your community can be ordered from MS Focus at no charge. Instructions for orderingwill be included in the special NMSEAM edition.Program helps you keep your coolWhen they become overheated, many people with MS experience worsened symptoms, suchas weakness, fatigue, and visual disturbances. Keeping your body cool allows you to reclaim theability to spend time outdoors during the warmer months, and can help you enjoy barbeques andbaseball games again.MS Focus Cooling Program oers a variety of free itemsincluding bandanas, neckties, hats,wristbands, and two types of cooling veststo help you gain relief from heat-induced symptoms andmaintain your active lifestyle. Applications are accepted from Feb. 1 to June 1. Use the applicationon page 33 or visit www.msfocus.org to apply online. Click Get Help, then Cooling Program. 35 msfocusmagazine.org'