b"Corporate Philanthropy - Doing It RightTraci Allyn Shur, CFRE, Director of PhilanthropyIts important to me that our donors know how much we appreciate them. When a signicantgift arrived at the MS Focus oce, I began to write a handwritten thank you note. When I sawthere was no direct contact information provided, I did what any good fundraiser would doIgoogled the company. Before sending the note, I sent an email to the CEO, rst thanking himfor his kindness, and then taking it one step further. I asked why MS Focus was fortunateenough to receive such a generous gift.He explained the entire company is sent a questionnaire before the end of the year, to giveevery employee the opportunity to suggest a particular charity to which the company candonate. One of the employees, named Laurie, had a family member with MS and she wantedto show her support. That was ve years ago, and this amazing company (who requested toremain anonymous) is still making a generous donation to the important work we are doingat MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation today. A desire to give back and a simple companysurvey was the beginning of a longtime relationship with a worthy charity. Engaging a companys employees in something philanthropic is a wonderful way toencourage team building. Sharing the experience of knowing you have made a dierence insomeone elses life is a very powerful and positive thing. If you run a business, can you followthis wonderful example? (But remember, corporate giving doesnt only have to happen at theend of the year. Celebrate other holidays or special occasions in your companysuch as theday it was started, an employees work anniversary, or an executives milestone birthday.) Ifyou are an employee at a company that participates in philanthropic giving, can you shareyour passion for supporting MS Focus?This past year has been quite challenging and so many individuals and companies havewanted to give but have been unable to be philanthropic. The needs of those we serve at theMultiple Sclerosis Foundation have increased, and we still do everything we can to meet thoseneeds every day. Let 2021 be the year you encourage your employer to choose a worthy cause, asLaurie did, or to begin a corporate giving program at your company. Im hoping it will be MS Focus.Happy to help you get started with ideas and suggestions. Email me at tracishur@msfocus.org.I cant wait to write you a thank note!As a person with MS, what makes youfeel left out?Cassandra Clark Lavender: When I am tired and people don't understand, or should I say dontwant to understand. In the past, I was made to feel as if it's my fault things couldn't be done becauseof my MS. Now, I am single, live alone, and if tired, it's just me, I stop and rest. No more feeling guilty.Tammy Botzum: Rides that spin, go around fast corners, or that involves strobe eects and brightlights. They are all a huge bother to me and it takes me a few hours to recover if I ride such rides.45 msfocusmagazine.org"