b'Life with MSprovide benets to the group for which the A diverse and inclusive clinical trial groupresearch was intended. For MS in particular, requires the eorts and collaboration of allthis knowledge can be used to advocate the parties involved: groups that design andfor access to important services such as conduct research, patients who participate,rehabilitation services, access to specialized the community, and regulatory groups thatcare and testing, and social services that they provide oversight regarding the safety andmay not qualify for otherwise.ecacy of the research trials.Quality research results can also be used An inclusive trial that provides quality datato advocate for intentional inclusion in improves the quality of scientic information.further research trials. The total eect of quality That has the potential to inuence change onresearch can inuence research design, strategy multiple levels, including how policies arefor recruiting and keeping underrepresented made, the extent of patient involvement, andgroups in clinical trials, along with inuencing access to quality care.policy change to maintain a positive trend ofinclusion.In summaryThe demographics of multiple sclerosishave changed over time. The diagnosis of MSin non-Caucasian populations has signicantlyincreased.Ithasbeenobservedthatnon-Caucasian patients have more severe diseasecourse and early progression to ambulatoryimpairment than to their Caucasian counter- Snap Hookparts. Although the face of MS has changed Premium Zipperover time, research trials in multiple sclerosishave not seen a similar trend. This raises the Condensation Mesh Pocket Easy Glide Webbing & Sliderquestion of whether the data obtained fromthese trials can be applied to this changing 30 Inch Adjustable Straps (Qty:2) Shoulder Pads/Chair Protectors Multi-Wear D Ringspopulation. A diverse patient group in MSresearch improves the knowledge base ofthe disease. It can also lead to development ofeective treatment for the intended population,identifying the dierences in how each groupresponds to treatment, and early identicationof important safety concerns, if any. Aninclusive trial also enhances patient educationwhich in turn can lead to increased participation.msfocusmagazine.org 14'