b"3. Be creatively social.There is nothing to lose in saying The heatPerhaps you cant engage in the kind of causes my MS symptoms to are up. Is theresocial activities with your friends and family any chance youd be willing to push this backthat you used to do. That doesnt mean you to afternoon when it starts to cool down acantengageinanyactivities.Maybeyou bit? Maybe theyre willing to adapt that way,cant go hiking with your friends, but could or perhaps theyll counter-oer with movingyou explore nature together in a park with a the event into the shade. Even if they wontadaptandyouendupnotgoing,maybeshort accessible trail, and have an outdoor theyll remember to consider that the nextpicnic? Perhaps you cant mingle at a party time they plan an event. and end up sitting in the corner feeling alone. 5. Be open to new networks.Well, maybe you have to sit, but does it haveto be away from the action? Can you park As much as your family and friends wantyour chair near the bar or the food instead so to be supportive, it can take yearsand a lot ofthat people come to you? explanationfor them to really understand4. Be outspoken about your needs. what you go through with MS. On the otherhand, there are about 1 million other peopleFamily or friends may fail to take your with MS in this country who already have aneedsintoaccount whenplanningsocial pretty good idea what its like for you. If youactivities. But that doesnt necessarily mean arent a member of a support group, eitherthey are unwilling to adapt to your needsit online or in person, nd one. And if the onejust means they didnt think of them in you nd isnt for you, nd another. There areadvance. Maybe your cousin planned a family people out there who get you. You just need toget-together for outdoors in the heat of day. nd them. As a person with MS, what makes youfeel left out?Mindee Gaulke LawrenceKnowing that the next dayor threeI will be completely wiped out, Idon't do things that I used to, like go to a picnic, go to a water park, a shopping trip.Joyce SteinerI don't ever feel left out. Still being ambulatory, I can do most all I want for do. I won'tput limits on me because a doctor told me I have MS. I will look for ways to do things.Meloney ParkerEverything is exhausting, from working to socializing to doing basic errands andhousework. I am mobile but I can't function like I used to. I feel, and am, isolated because of this.Sharron Lee-Leech Having to avoid coughs and colds and winter infections, whilst new family thinkIm being over-the-top and a psycho!Shawn DuyNot being able to pursue additional high learning.Cathy Bahr: When I am overwhelmed at family events. I want to be there but feel like I can't participate.Debe Smailes Michaud: I used to be the historian for family get-togethers. Now that I use a walker,I am unable to move myself around to get the candid shots. I feel like the dear auntie. sit downand stay out of the way. Six hours of riding in the car wears me out!51 msfocusmagazine.org"