b'Ellen Whipple has been a medical advisor with MS Focus since 2002. She is aclinical pharmacist employed within medical aairs, as a director of medicalcommunications, and a clinical assistant professor with the University of GeorgiaCollege of Pharmacy.Christine Willis is the director of Knowledge Management and LearningResources at Shepherd Center in Atlanta. She oversees the Noble LearningResource Center and provides research assistance to clinicians as well as consumerhealth information for patients and families. Her research interests include healthliteracy, library services for people with disabilities, and teaching clinicians howto access and evaluate evidence-based research to be applied in their practice.Your name: MS Focus accepts submissions from voluntary contributorswho have MS or work with the MS community in a professional capacity. Sendinquires or submissions to: editor@msfocus.org.Corrections: Issue 4 (Fall 2020)Christine Hampton should have been listed as the co-author of Safe Catheterization.Christine Hampton received her master of science in Occupational Therapyfrom the Medical University of South Carolina and currently enjoys workingwith individuals in the Eula C. and Andrew C. Carlos Multiple SclerosisRehabilitation and Wellness Program as an occupational therapist. She has recentlybeen involved in developing resources for patients and their families to betterunderstand how to manage symptoms of MS, especially if they are unable to accesstherapy services.The bio and credentials for Monica Major-Harris, APRN, FNP-BC should haveread as follows:Monica earned her masters degree in Nursing with a board certication as aFamily Nurse Practitioner in 2008 from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.She has specialized in womens health throughout her career as a nursepractitioner and further specialized in Female Pelvic Floor Medicine andReconstructive Surgery as of 2016 at the University of Florida Health Jacksonville.We thank Christine and Monica for their contributions and apologize for the errors.9 msfocusmagazine.org'