b'MS Focus ActivitiesSupportGroupProgramBy Kimani HendricksWhether you\'re a social buttery or reserved two months worth of information by mail.and quiet, we all need somebody to lean on. Though MS Focus\' corporate oce is closed,No matter where life may take us, we are not our Support Groups team remains in contactmeant to walk our paths alone. The COVID-19 through phone calls, forwarding their weeklycrisis wedged itself into our lives, tearing away newsletter, the quarterly EmpowerSource, andemployment,thefreedomofenjoyingthe other written materials via email. outdoors, and the company of those we cherish While some people equate support groupsmost. While things slowly open and virtual to whining sessions, they\'d be surprised atmeetings are booming, many people still long the variety. Some MS Focus groups are asfor fellowship.informative as they are fun. "Aside from groupsMS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, exclusive only to men or to women, we haveis home to approximately 200 independent social groups, wherein members go bowling,support groups across the country. Over the do arts and crafts, attend a movie theater, andyears, the organization has assisted individuals even go to lunch or dinner together," Marciain either starting or joining a support group. continued. "If you\'re not in a support group,If there isn\'t an active group in one\'s area, any youmight wonder whatthehecktheydo,person living with MS or who is a caregiver to when actually, they do a lot." someone with MS can inquire about establishing Lately,we\'verecommendedavailablea support group or aliating with us for an online services. Not long ago, I suggested freeexisting one. This includes medical providers meditation support to one of our active groups,"too," said Marcia Harris, Support Groups Marcia said. Several are anxious to resumeProgram coordinator.in-person gatherings, but Marcia and her teamTypically, the Support Groups Program team remind them that ensuring safety measuresmeets biweekly to brainstorm potential subject at this time is a top priority. Presently, manymatter and ideas for group leaders and their support groups\' activities have stalled becausemeetings. They select relevant articles and of the pandemic, but others make their way.research, perform in-house printing, and send "We have a senior center group that providesmsfocusmagazine.org 48'