b'Life with MSAAlloonneei naainCCrroowwddOver the course of the last year, researchers, slow to accept change and we give up toopublic health ocials, and the news media soon on helping them understand becausehave expressed concerns about the eects of we feel hurt. Be willing to be vulnerable withsocial isolation caused by the pandemic. But your family and friends, even if their lack offor many people with MS, social isolation is a understanding has hurt you before, and youlong-standing problem. They may have left may nd they want to be there for you. Ofthe workforce, cut back on social engagements, course, this doesnt apply to people who areand evensadlylost friends who do not intentionally callous or cruel. But if you knowknow how to handle being a friend to someone your family or friends to be good, caring people,with a chronic illness. give them another chance. Or be willing to beSometimes, though, individuals with MS vulnerable with someone new. feel socially isolated even when surrounded 2. Be mindful in your choice by family and friends. They may not lack of words.company, but they may lack people whounderstand and relate to them. Their loved Have you ever had a situation where youones may not see or may fail to grasp what were unable to do something because of thethe person with MS is going through. They may bone-crushing tiredness that comes from MSfeel left out when loved ones dont consider fatigue, only to have a loved one complain,their needs or limitations when making plans Imtiredtoo!?Sometimes,tohelplovedor participating in activities. onesunderstandthatwhatwearegoingIs this your situation? If so, use these tips through is medical, it helps to use medicalto help improve your situation.language.Instead of saying, Im exhausted,which anyone may say at the end of a long day,1. Be vulnerable again. get in the habit of saying, Im experiencingWhen we have a history of people mis- severe MS fatigue right now. If pain isunderstanding or overlooking our needs, the hinderingyou,insteadofsaying,Iminhuman tendency is to wall yourself o and pain which is vague and leaves the degreestop asking for help. This leads to feelings of of pain up to interpretation, be specic. Imisolation. But the truth is, sometimes its not having intense muscle spasms and my painthat people dont care, its just that they are is at a seven out of 10 right now. msfocusmagazine.org 50'