b'This has made me realize, much like the seeingapsychologistthatcanpreventphysical experience with MS varies so greatly people even seeking this type of support.form one person to the next, the need for This is unfortunate because often peopledierent types of support also varies widely, dontrealizehowbenecialthistypeofnot only between individuals, but within the support is. Even if someone nds it is notindividual too over the trajectory of their helpful or even inaccessible, there are otherillness. Some people prefer face-to-face support, options available that perhaps carry lesswhilst others prefer it from a distance. Some stigma, such as online support groups orprefer it from a more formal source, whereas one-to-one email or telephone support fromothers prefer it on a more informal level. MS organizations.Sometimes they might prefer one and otherTell your friends and family what you need.occasions another type of support is more If you are not looking for more formal typessuitable. Essentially, most people need some of support from a counsellor or the like, butkind of psychological support to some extentat still need some support from those close tosome point, but everyones needs are dierent.you,thentrytalkingtothemabouthowEven though most people with MS need they can support you. It can be dicult foror want some kind of psychological support, someone who has not had the experiencemanyarenotoeredit,orevenawareof of living with MS, especially the invisiblewhats available to them. Here are some tips symptoms, to understand what its like andon nding and choosing the support that is therefore how to provide the best support. right for you.Identify your own individual psychological Manydifferenttypesavailable. Itsnot support needs. With the MS experienceuncommon for the term psychological being so varied, so are our support needs.support to be used synonymously with Take your time to think about how you wantthings such as counselling and other more thesupportprovided,fromwhom,andformal types of support. However, support what exactly is it that you need support for.can also be obtained from less formal sources This will help you to narrow your searchsuch as MS nurses, MS organizations, and and pick something that is most appropriateeven other people with MS, as well as your to your needs.ownfriendsandfamily.Allprovidepsychological support in dierent ways.Research whats available to you.With this Have Your Sayin mind, you can look into whats availableto you locally, both online and face-to-face. If you have tips and suggestions forYou most likely have access to mentalhealth professionals, MS nurses, and MS making life easier with MS,organizations in your local area and even if wed love to hear them!not, there are an abundance of MS support Email us at:groups online. Have an open mind. Therecanoftenbe editor@msfocus.org.stigma attached to attending counselling or25 msfocusmagazine.org'