b'There was a brief pause in the study of the and may only be done at a centralized locationCOVID-19 vaccine because two people had due to the stringent temperature requirementstransverse myelitis in the vaccine arm of the in an ultra-cold freezer. The Moderna vaccinestudy. However, after a review it was unlikely also requires to be frozen but not at such anto be related to the study intervention.extreme temperature. This vaccine should beStorage and Handling more available at larger or more establishedThere is some storage information that is pharmacies or doctors oces. The AstraZenecapertinentbecauseoftherequirementsto vaccine is stored and handled at normalstore the vaccine. The Pzer vaccine may be refrigerator temperatures and so should bemore dicult for local pharmacies to carry available at any local pharmacy that gives theu and other vaccines.Company Indicated Age Ecacy StoragePzer 16 years and older 95 percent Long term: -80C to -60C(-112F to -76F)Moderna 18 years and older 18-64 years: Long term: -25C to -15C95.6 percent (-13F to 5F)65 years and older86.4 percentAstraZeneca(UK and India) 18 years and older SD/SD: 62.1 percent Long term (six months):LD/SD: 90.0 percent 2C to 8C (35.6F to 46.4F)Information for PatientsAll patients should be encouraged to report any and all adverse reactions related to theCOVID-19 vaccines to their healthcare providers so they make the manufacturers aware ofthese events. For information on the Moderna vaccine, go to: www.modernatx.com/covid19vaccine-eua/recipients/For information on the Pzer vaccine, go to:www.pzermedicalinformation.com/en-us/patient/pzer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine?tab=piFor information on the AstraZeneca vaccine, go to:www.astrazeneca.com/media-centre/press-releases/2020/astrazenecas-covid-19-vaccine-authorised-in-uk.html23 msfocusmagazine.org'