b'Life with MSfor six years and only knew a couple neighbors. comes but for now I choose to use my ownIdidntventureoutonwalksandmainly drive.Imagesendedupinalocalbikestayed in my own yard. On the bike, I met bulletin without my knowledge. A neighborneighbors I did not know I had. I managed to was at a restaurant and sent me an image oftravel bike trails around the area that can get thelocalpaperthey werelookingatrightme all over this city. I have had people come there on their table. Sure enough, it was me.up to me in the city and say Youre the crazy I have become what some like to call famous.girl on the corner of such-and-such street. I prefer infamous. Its a little scary until they explain they saw To all the other MSers out there and anyoneme riding my bike. I hear Why are you always with a this ability: There is a way. You aresmiling? Well, why wouldnt I be smiling? I your ability, not your disability. I prefer thishave had neighbors ask me How fast are ability becausedis is a negative prex. Ityou going on that thing? Well, I have no idea. means not or none. When we add dis- toI opted to not get a speedometer because I the beginning of a word, we give it the oppositeknow I am going a great deal faster than I meaning. I do not feelnot able, nor shouldhave in many, many years. I absolutely know anyone else. We are able dierently and aits fast because I took on a Fiat Pop one day. challenge to basic societal norms. We verySimply because I could.much have abilities that those abled do notThey make these bikes with electric motors have and dont ever you ever forget that! Nowas well. I will upgrade to that when the time go out there and be unapologetically you.As a person with MS, what makes youfeel left out?Mary Ellen Smolinski Stairs! There are too many places that are not ADA compliant. If I\'m invitedsomewhere that I don\'t know my rst question is, "Are there stairs?"Neeley GentryI feel left out of social activities frequently, but then I realize I don\'t care for themmuch anyhow. My balance is not ideal so I have to maneuver around toddlers, animals, and drunkswithout hurting them or myself. It\'s exhausting. I have learned how to make myself larger when Iabsolutely feel I must be there. I take my walker to all civic events to ensure that I am taking up a tonof space and people get out of my way.Shawn DuffyFeeling left out happens, but its not societys place to adjust to my needs. It is myresponsibility to use the tools in my toolbox to adjust to society. Just because I can\'t walk to longwithout getting tired doesn\'t mean others change for me, it means I own it, use my cane, and plan totake breaks.Prints With Meaninginvisible is a word I feel is more relevant for me.Laurence Richardson Multiple Sclerosis Foundationits self-inicted. I make myself invisible bykeeping to myself and not socializing. Donna M. VatcherI don\'t get left out, but I sure lag behind!msfocusmagazine.org 28'