b"Although awful things have happened to rather than a state of being advanced in ageme in the last two to three years, such as stroke, (i.e. old, which he is denitely not.) Maybe weheart surgery, back surgery, exacerbations, etc., should have encouraged him to choose aI keep on trucking and I'm still here! Perhaps dierent way of phrasing the thought, buta few pounds heavier, but I just ordered a hey, you got a chuckle out of it, and we got torowing machine. hear about your amazing life in spite of MS.So there MS!!! Its not every day we hear from a hang gliding,zip lining, black belt with an award-winninggure in her sixties! We think youre awesome.Nora Solomon Thanks for sharing your experiences withDear Nora,us, and inspiring us and our readers to stayOur editorial committee did question Matt young-at-heart. Cavallos use of the word aging to describe P.S. Unlike our exercise equipment, webeing in his early forties, but in the context of hope your rowing machine will be used forhis article, we knew he meant growing older something other than holding laundry. Basedand more mature with this chronic condition, on your track record, we think it will.11 msfocusmagazine.org"