b'can help you mix up your routine and are fun streamingoptionwithawidervarietyofto do with a caregiver or family member. dance, yoga, HIIT, and Pilates videos.MEDITATION OTHER CAM THERAPIESMost everything was shut down for a time Most importantly, check with friends andin 2020. Routine was disrupted, which can local resources to see what is specificallycause the best of us to get knocked o our oered in your area that might be of interestgame.Gettingbackto where we were will to you. Many community centers, local non-take some time and a certain amount of prots, and local parks departments oer freediscipline. Simple meditation and breathwork or low-cost programs, such as hippotherapycan really assist in getting us centered when (therapeutic horseback riding), swimming,we feel o balance, but we have to practice in Qi Gong, or Tai Chi. With planning and goodorder for it to work.COVID-19 protocols in place, these too can beApps such as Calm, Stop Breathe and safe and fun activities. Many places will oerThink, and Imagery Work oer free meditations, free or low-cost options to people with MS,as well as subscriber-based functions to help however it is necessary to call ahead to ask. with anxiety, depression, and clearing the We will get through this challenging time,mind of wandering thoughts. A great number and on the other side, hopefully be better forof free meditation videos can also be found it.Pleaseshareanylow-costoptionsyouon YouTube. Try search terms like guided haveonoursocialmediaorsendmeanmeditation, mindfulness meditation, deep email at Chris@msfocus.org. breathing meditation. Meditation can increasecognitive function and set the day o on theright foot, or help you get to sleep. ADAPTIVE DANCEDance is a wonderful form of CAM therapybecause it combines exercise and fun, and caneasily be adapted to any ability level. Manydance studios are now offering affordableonline classes for beginners, but you can alsond many free classes on YouTube in a varietyofstyles.Youcanevenndchairdanceclasses.SearchtermslikechairZumba,chair dance tness, or seated dance classforthemostadaptedclasses.OrtryBodyGroove for a program that can be adapted toallabilitylevels.SearchBodyGrooveonYouTube for a collection of free videos, or visitbodygrooveondemand.comforalowcost47 msfocusmagazine.org'