b"When you nd a video you like, you can save to a video channel on a site such as YouTube,it for future viewing. To view the video, you you can add enough variety to keep your interest.need to be in the YouTube app or the YouTube We all look forward to the time when we can gowebsite. You can click on the name of the to exercise class or meet with friends to stayperson who added the video to see or subscribe active together, but until such a time this is anto their channel. This is very helpful because inexpensive safe alternative. It may take someoftentheownerofthechannelwilloften persistence and time to nd videos that workhave multiple videos or a series of related for you but rewards far out way the eort.videos. Sometimes you will find a particu-lar channel that has additional content that isof interest and value. For example, some chan-nels have information on topics such as diet,cooking, and meditation. YouTube is not veryintuitive. If you are not tech savvy you may andwanttocheckoutthefollowingwebsite:www.lifewire.com/youtube-101-3481847.It has very comprehensive straightforwardinformation on how to navigate YouTube. Once you nd some videos that will work have partneredfor you, the next step is how to view them while for our campaignyou exercise. If you plan to use a TV for viewingyour videos, there are several ways to connectfor viewing. You do have to be to connected toWiFi, but all reasonably new TVs connect toWiFi. Newer smart TVs have apps and Internetbrowser features. If your TV does not have these hoping to raise awareness andbuilt-in features there are third party devices promote an understanding of MSyou can use such as Apple TV or Roku. Using a with the goal of raising $1/miledevice such as Apple TV makes it easy to con- driven during our season.nect your tablet, phone, or other mobile deviceto your TV. Apex Road Rally presented by Apex Detoursorganizes events that provide the ultimateFinding the right video can almost make road trip experience. Apex events bring caryou feel like you are in an exercise, cooking, or enthusiasts together to drive some of themeditation class. While this article was primarily best roads each state has to oer. Eventsabout exercise, the possibilities of nding videos follow a pre-planned schedule with hand-to help you feel and be healthier are virtually picked routes and checkpoints, highlightingunlimited. Connecting with others this way has not only the roads, but beautiful sceneryadvantages, and while you won't get personal and Americana. We encourage everyonesinteractions, you can go at your own pace and support to help reach our goal throughstop and start as needed. In addition, you can donations or participation. www.apexdetours.comwatch on your time schedule. If you subscribe43 msfocusmagazine.org"