b'Hot TopicsAnne Cross, MD, FAANWashington University and Secretary of Board of Governors of theConsortium of MS Centers, USAJaime Imitola, MD, FAANUniversity of Connecticut, UConn Health, USADorlan Kimbrough, MDDuke University, USAAvindra Nath, MDNational Institutes of Health/National Institutes of Neurological Disordersand Stroke, USAScott Newsome, DO, MSCS, FAAN, FANAJohns Hopkins University and President of theBoard of Governors of the Consortium of MS Centers, USAPenny Smyth, MD, FRCPCUniversity of Alberta, CanadaRachael Stacom, MS, ANP-BC, MSCNIndependence Care System, USASta from MS Partner OrganizationsJulie Fiol, RN, MSCNNational MS Society, USAPamela Kanellis, PhDMS Society of CanadaJulie KelndorferMS Society of CanadaHope Nearhood, MPH, PMPNational MS Society, USALeslie RitterNational MS Society, USAThis guidance is endorsed by the Consortium of MS Centersand the MS Coalition members:Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis (www.acceleratedcure.org)Can Do Multiple Sclerosis (www.mscando.org)Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (www.mscare.org)International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (www.iomsn.org)MS Views and News (www.msviewsandnews.org)Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (www.mymsaa.org)Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (www.msfocus.org)National Multiple Sclerosis Society (www.nmss.org)United Spinal Association (www.unitedspinal.org)msfocusmagazine.org 20'