b'ContributorsJoanne Fortunato is a retired computer technology teacher in Venice, Fla.Diagnosed in 2006, she uses technology to cope with the many diculties MScan present. She is a frequent contributor to MS Focus Magazine, using hertechnology education background to help others with MS. Contact Joanne atjfortunato1012@yahoo.com. Hanna Morris Bankhole is a 36-year-old diagnosed with relapsing-remittingMS eight years ago. She is a mother of ve and currently completing her Ph.D.research on the topic of psychological support in MS at the University of Reading,in Reading, UK. Tirisham Gyang is a neurologist specializing in treating multiple sclerosis,demyelinating diseases and autoimmune disorders of the central nervous systemat the Ohio State University College of Medicine where she also serves as theprogram director of the Multiple Sclerosis Fellowship. She has served as theprincipal investigator in multiple clinical trials and research studies.She believes in providing customized, comprehensive, interdisciplinary care,giving patients the tools they need to thrive and maintain their quality of life.She is a National Multiple Sclerosis Society Scholar and a member ofthe AmericanAcademy of Neurology.Annette Okai is the founder and medical director of the Multiple SclerosisTreatment Center of Dallas. She also serves as clinical associate professor at TexasTech University Health Sciences Center. Dr. Okai manages all stages of MS andher care philosophy includes using a multidisciplinary approach to patientmanagement. She is involved in several multiple sclerosis clinical researchactivities. She also serves on the medical advisory board for MS Focus and theclinical advisory committee for the South Central Region of the National MS Society.Ben Thrower is the medical director of the Andrew C. Carlos MS Institute atShepherd Center. He previously served as the medical director of the Holy FamilyMultiple Sclerosis Institute in Spokane, Wash. In Spokane, he was the chair of theInland Northwest Chapter of the NMSS. In 2000, he was awarded the NormCohn Hope Chest Award by the National MS Society, recognizing his work withthe MS community. In 2005, he was the first physician inductee into the GeorgiaChapter of the National MS Society Volunteer Hall of Fame. Doctor thrower hasserved the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation for many years as senior Medical Director.msfocusmagazine.org 8'