b'Hot TopicsFDA and WHO guidelines Pzerfor COVID-19 Vaccines The Pzer vaccine is approved for treatingThe current guidance from the U.S. Food patients 16 years old and older. Ecacy forand Drug Administration and World Health those that are less than 65 years and for thoseOrganization state COVID-19 vaccines must that are greater than 65 years were generallyhave a minimum of 50 percent ecacy. similar (95.1 percent and 94.7 percent,Importance of the second dose respectively). Interestingly, adverse eects ofThe reasoning behind the two-shot series of the vaccines are greater in those who are lessthe Pzer and Moderna vaccines is because than 65 years compared to those who areof the drastic increase in ecacy. The Pzer greater than 65 years; however, both groupsvaccine reaches 95 percent ecacy seven had an increase in the likelihood of adversedaysafterreceivingtheseconddose. The eects after the second dose of the vaccine.Moderna vaccine reaches 94.1 percent ecacy The adverse eects are noted to be mild-to-14 days after receiving the second dose. moderate. Commonly reported adverse eectsCOVID-19 Vaccines and MS include headaches, chills, vomiting, diarrhea,new or worse muscle pain, and new or worseForpatientstakingdisease-modifying joint pain. therapies, live virus vaccinations are generally Modernanot recommended. Neither the Pzer, Moderna,nor AstraZeneca vaccines are considered live TheModernavaccineisapprovedforvaccines. Pzer and Moderna vaccines are treating patients 18 years or older. There ismRNA-based; whereas, the AstraZeneca slight dierence in ecacy in the age groupsvaccine utilizes a weakened virus that causes rangingfrom18to64comparedtothosethe common cold (adenovirus). The reason greater than 65 years old (95.6 percent andthe AstraZeneca vaccine is not considered a 86.4 percent, respectively). However, therelive virus is because it is not the same virus was no notable dierence in the safety prolesthat causes COVID-19.when comparing the two groups. According to Dr. Ben Thrower, medical AstraZenecadirector of the MS Institute at Shepherd Center, The AstraZeneca vaccine is approved inpatients should never stop a disease-modifying theUKandIndiafortreatingpatients18therapy. Communication between patient and years and older. However, their current studiesprovider are more paramount now because have a limited sample size of people over 70of potential complications caused by certain years old. There are two dosing variations ofdisease-modifyingtherapies.Patientsthat this vaccine and they have dierent ecacies.haveanyconcernorquestionaboutthe The variations are two standard doses spacedCOVID-19 vaccine should consult with their one month apart for the rst and then a half-MS healthcare providers. dose (also called low-dose) for the rst shotPzer is planning on studies in the coming and standard for the second shot. These twomonths to test the vaccine on immuno- variationshavedierentecacies.Thecompromised patients or patients that are SD/SD variation has a 62.1 percent ecacy,taking immunosuppressant medications.and the LD/SD has a 90 percent ecacy.msfocusmagazine.org 22'