b"Symptom ManagementEExxeerrcciissiinnggi nWin WiinntteerrdduurriinnggaaPPaannddeemmiiccBy Joanne FortunatoExercising during a pandemic in winter is looking for before you start your video searchachallengeforeveryone.Havingmultiple is a lot easier. Think about what type of exercisesclerosisonlyaddsmoreobstacles.Ifyou you plan to do: for example, yoga, resistancehave a smart TV and an internet connection, bands, stretch and balance, or Tai chi. Addingthis challenge can be more easily overcome. words such as for seniors or MS to yourYou can watch videos on your TV and have search criteria will help narrow your choices.exercise class right in your living room. In Thinkofwordsthattyourability.Thenaddition, there are some simple, inexpensive search online for sites and providers that oertools that will not take up too much room. The what you are looking. Once you nd a providerfollowing recommendations will make your or instructor that interests you, nding qualityexercise routine much more eective: a yoga videos in a video app or site will be easier.mat, a set of resistance bands (preferably with While most sites oer free videos, be awarehandles), a chair, and some pillows will get some sites oer a sample and then charge ayou started. As you progress you may want to subscription fee to go to the next level. One ofadd exercise balls. This equipment can be the most popular sites to nd exercise videospurchased very inexpensively online at sites is YouTube, but there are many other reliablesuch as Amazon or Walmart. sources to find videos for almost any levelThe first step is to find videos that are of tness. One example of site to jump startappropriate for your ability. Be sure to check with your video search is: parade.com/1011717/you doctor or other healthcare professionals jessicasager/best-free-workout. This gives youbefore you begin to make sure what you plan an idea of the wide range of content available.will be safe. They may even have some YouTube is a site highly recommended tosuggestions. In addition, if you belong to a nd all sorts of videos, especially if this is yourgym or the YMCA, they may have ideas.rst experience with online videos. You willBefore tackling the task of nding videos, have a lot of choices. You will need a Googlenarrowing your search to nd a provider or account to use YouTube. If you don't have one,instructor is sometimes more ecient. Finding it is free and setup is easy. You can usematerial that is of high quality and appropriate YouTube without an account, but in order toby watching videos can be dicult. Finding a subscribe to channels and/or save your viewingprovider or person that oers what you are history, an account is needed and recommended.msfocusmagazine.org 42"