b'continue to study movement and other bike at home. I purchased a ping pong tablemethods to prove doctors and the general for hand-eye coordination, which taught mepublic wrong. As of 2015, I was told I would you can only use one paddle for so longbe in a wheelchair within three years. It is now before you get bored or one arm becomes a2021 and I am still walkingthough not well great deal larger than the other. So I turnedor nearly as fast as I would like. Still, with the into Forest Gump, using two paddles at a time.motion and adaptation I have done, I have Then I realized that double-handed paddlingproved those doctors wrong. We are our own resembled boxing, so I took up boxing. I got aadvocates and it is a battle, every single day. bag and moved to phase two of my shenanigans.I have had specialists call me stupid to my Iaddeddancedailyandusemusictoface, only to have them apologize six years later maintain a full body connection. Its head-to-becausetheywereincorrect.Ichallenged toeneurologicalengagement.Themusictheir education. I challenged what they knew maintains my sanity. I even purchased someto be the case. All of us should.glow sticks to add are to my training. MyJump forward 20 odd years, after nding basement gym had become a lifeline, sort ofmy way through a medical system that works party central in my life. But I did want towith me now, instead of against me. I did my come out of the basement one day. I wantedwork, my research on the new drugs, the new outside.Itwasbeginningtofeellikethetreatments, alternative treatments, and on longest ships deployment I had ever been on.the doctors. The MS continues progressing It had been three years thus far.and balance, strength, muscle spasms, and One holiday, I was scrolling throughvision seem to be my main issues. Facebook and I came across the Trident Trikedisplayed at my local bike shop, just threeI found myself retired at 42 years old, in a blocks from my house. I was familiar withbody that looks as if nothing is wrong to an trikerecumbentbikes,howevermostsitable-bodied being. I needed to nd some- mere inches o the ground. Cars will not seething to ll my days that brought some joy, that. I did not nd them safe for my lifestyle.instead of just being immersed in mundane Well, here I see this giant 27 inch fat-tire bikedaily duties, MS research, and local political in lime green. Nobody is going to fail to seeevents. I needed some joy. A little bit of fun. that! I pondered it, went down to the bikeMost sports I used to participate in have since shop and tested it out. I bought it two daysgone away because of changes in my abilities. later. It was expensive, but I felt like any priceIts like learning to be an entirely new human. is a reasonable price to put some power andThere are days of rage and self-pity, but its a freedom back in my hands. Plus, that type ofmental hole I try very hard not to fall into.medicine is the fun kind of medicine to take.With my mechanical and art background, When I got the bike, I immediately had toI choose to use my rage as drive and nd art it out to be seen and make it mine. Iadaptive ways to keep in motion and maintain purchased lights, reectors, and a speaker formyself in society. After all, a body is both a my music, and took to the streets.machine and a work of art. It is a constant I had no idea how isolated I was until I gotsearch for new methods. I had a stationary this bike. I have lived in this neighborhood27 msfocusmagazine.org'