b'Hot TopicsTThheeCCOOVVIIDD1199VVaacccciinneeaannddYYoouuEDITORS NOTE: The following guidance was prepared by a panel of experts convened by theNational MS Society. This guidance has been reviewed and endorsed by the MS Coalition(comprised of national MS organizations in the United States).Vaccination against COVID-19 is critical vaccinesavailableinothercountries,thisfor public safety and, especially, the safety of guidance may not apply to those living outsidethe most vulnerable among us.Get your vaccine of the US.as soon as it is available to you.If you have MS, People with MS should get a COVID-19 vaccinevisit nationalMSsociety.org/covid19 to learnthe latest about COVID-19 vaccines and MS.The science has shown us that theCOVID-19COVID-19 mRNA vaccine guidance vaccines are safe and eective. Like otherfor people living with MS medical decisions, the decision to get a vaccinePeople living with multiple sclerosis) are is best made in partnership with your healthcareseeking peace of mind on the safety and provider.Mostpeoplewithrelapsingandeffectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines. In progressive forms of MS should be vaccinated.response, the Society convened a group of The risks of COVID-19 disease outweigh anyexpert researchers and medical professionals potential risks from the vaccine. In addition,toreviewtheavailablescienceandmake members of the same household and closefact-based recommendations.contacts should also get a COVID-19 vaccineWe do not know how many people in the when available to decrease the impact of thevaccine clinical trials had MS, so data on the virus. safety and eectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines People with progressive MS, those whoin those with MS is not yet available. Our are older, those who have a higher level ofguidance is based on data from the general physical disability, those with certain medicalpopulation in the vaccine clinical trials and conditions (e.g., diabetes, high blood pressure,data from studies of other vaccines in MS. obesity, heart and lung disease, pregnancy), andOur guidance will be updated and become Black and Hispanic populations are amongmore detailed as more is learned from scientic groups with the highest risk for hospitalizationstudies of the vaccines.due to COVID-19. Individuals in these highThis guidance only applies to the approved risk groups are especially encouraged to getmRNA vaccines in the United States, Pzer the vaccine as soon as it becomes availableBioNTech and Moderna. As there are dierent to you.msfocusmagazine.org 18'