b'Research with Minorities A diverse patient group in research canMost of the information gathered on minority also help widen the knowledge base of thepatients with MS has been retrospectivespecicdiseaseprocess,suchasmultiplewhere researchers take a look back at previous sclerosis. This improved knowledge can leadrecords and analyze the data to draw conclusions. tobettertreatmentoutcomes.ItcanhelpWhile these observations have been made, identify if there are specic ecacy and safetythe fact is, the information is scant. There has issues early on during the time that a drug isnot been a large-scale, forward-looking study being developed. If the research trial does notto address the ndings. include a diverse group, it may result in aresponse to treatment that may not be benecialPer United States census data, the two largest for everyone involved.minority groups in the U.S. are Hispanics, Trials that have patients included from allrepresenting approximately 18 percent, and backgroundsareimportantforpatientAfrican Americans at approximately 14 percent education. If there is awareness of inclusiveof the US population respectively. Yet non- trials, the likelihood of participation isCaucasian MS patients comprise less than 10 increased.Therearedierentaspectsofpercent of clinical trials participants. awareness. Those include education regardingIt is well recognized there are barriers to the nature of the disease, how the eect ofdiversity in clinical trials. Federal regulators the disease aects a patient, specically thehaveinstitutednonbindingguidelineson biology and treatment response that occur inimproving enrollment of underrepresented specicgroups.Itisalsoimportantthatto populations in clinical trials. Despite this, awareness is raised on how clinical trials areenrollment remains low and eorts to end conducted, the process of collecting scienticthis trend have not been an enduring success. data and how the ndings aect the entirecommunity. AsenseofcommunityisanWhy is inclusion important important cultural pillar in under-representedin multiple sclerosis research: groups. The primary goal of research trials is to Research trials that demonstrate a diversehave results that can be generalized to the subject group and show results that reectgroup for whom the research was intended. the intended population are a powerful toolThe practice of multiple sclerosis today, especially for advocacy. Advocacy is important to raisewhen it comes to the non-Caucasian population awareness, challenge barriers to inclusion,is based on this small retrospective data that and improve policies to support and empowerisimpossibletogeneralize.Unfortunately, on an equal basis.these observations have been taken as dogma When information is inclusive, it allowsand integrated into clinical practice. As the for empowerment of under-represented groupsdiagnosis of MS increases in non-Caucasian toactivelytakepartindecisionmakingpatients, it is important that research trials processes aecting their lives. Armed withinclude a diverse group of patients that quality information, eorts can be made torepresent the current face of MS. achieve equal access to health for all and13 msfocusmagazine.org'