b'Life with MSNNeewwWWhheeeellssffoorrNNeeeelleeyySpecialized Trike HelpsNavy Veteran Feel Included in CommunityMy name is Neeley Gentry. Im retired U.S. was, in fact, PPMS. I had told them for yearsNavy. I was medically retired in 1997 because that was the case. (My father also had PPMS.)of what was thought to be generalized anxiety The neurologist at the V.A. finally agreeddisorder. Though Id had a bout of optic neuritis to an MRI after years of anti-anxiety andin 1994, I was never tested or treated for MS. depression medications, which did not helpThey merely marked it in my record. I was and actually did more harm. Again, I wastold it was all in my head. I had no symptoms treated like it was all in my head. I stillotherthanvisualdisturbances,andthat remember he wrote, We expect the ndingsabsolutely led to anxiety and fear of me getting tobeunremarkable.ButIknewhewassomeone killed because of a high demand job. wrong. I was not shocked when the MRI techI was on a night launch where the lights on pulled me out of the MRI and said he neededthe helicopter are used as communication to call my doctor. I had told them for yearsbetween the pilot and the plane captain. One what it was. I just got used to the ght. night,thesingleorangelightturnedinto After years of doctors stating what I get tothree blue ones. The lights were playing tricks look forward to with MS and people giving theon me. So, yes, I experienced anxiety! Shortly pity expression when they hear the diagnosis,after that, I was released from service and I chose to ght back and not fall into the I amallowed to go about normal civilian life.MS, I am my diagnosis way of thinking. YesAfter 10 years and an entire other career I have MS, but it has aorded me the abilitymore suited for my physical abilities, all while to think outside the box. To challenge thestill declining in health, they discovered it status quo. I chose to adapt my lifestyle andmsfocusmagazine.org 26'